美国文学史及选读 全套教案.doc

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闽 江 学 院 教 案 课 程 名 称:主要英语国家文学史及文学作品选读 2 课 程 代 码: 授课专业班级 : 英语本科, 英语师范, 英语专升本 授 课 教 师 : 吴文南 系 别 : 外语系 2010年3 月2 日 Introduction Teaching aid tool: a map of early America Teaching aim: the students learn why and how to learn literature course, get the general idea of the colonial America and their literary forms. Key Points: a. learning aim; b. Learning method; c. Colonial American characteristics. Introduction of the course Why should we learn the course: a.One of the main reasons might be that literature offers a bountiful and extremely varied body of written material, which is “important in the sense that it says something about fundamental human issues and which is enduring rather than ephemeral. Its relevance moves with the passing of time, but seldom disappears completely the Shakespeare plays whose ending were rewritten to conform to late 17th century taste and which were later staged to give maximum prominence to their romantic hero figures are now explored for their psychoanalytic import. In this way, though its meaning does not remain static, a literary work can transcend both time and culture to speak directly to a reader in another country or a different period of history. Literature is authentic material. By that we simply mean that most works of literature are not fashioned for the specific purpose of teaching a language. Recent course materials have quite rightly incorporated many authentic samples of languagefor example, travel timetable, city plans, forms, pamphlets, cartoons, advertisements, newspaper or magazine articles. Learners are thus exposed to language that is as genuine and undistorted as can be managed in the classroom context. In reading literary texts, students have also to cope with language intended for native speakers and thus we gain additional familiarity with many different linguistic uses, forms and conv


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