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Classified Index: University Code: 10075 U.D.C: NO: A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts The research on redesigning of Chinese Auto Br and Logo C a n d i d a t e :Zhai Linghao Supervisor :Prof.Song Wei Academic Degree Applied :Master Degree of Arts Speciality :Art Design University :Hebei University Date of Oral Examination :May,2014 摘 要 摘 要 标志是一种浓缩的艺术。随着全球经济、文化的发展,标志所蕴含的意义也变得 愈加重要。标志不只是一种符号,更是企业内外精神和文化的集中表达。随着市场竞 争的加剧,消费者审美取向的变化,企业为提高自身竞争力与活力纷纷进行了品牌升 级与标志再设计。 我国汽车品牌由于企业原有品牌形象不佳、力图进军国际市场、标志设计不够简 洁凝练、企业营销战略的转变等原因,也纷纷进行标志再设计。新标志的出现不但提 升了品牌形象、品牌竞争力,为企业进军国际市场扫清了障碍,也为企业增添了动力 与活力。标志再设计是一把双刃剑,有着优势与局限性。如果标志再设计应用不当, 将会给企业带来损失,影响原有品牌形象。 汽车标志作为标志设计的一个分支,其本身的变动不可避免的影响了我国标志设 计发展与变化。随着我国汽车标志再设计的发展,相应的品牌意识与设计理念也不断 的进行着提升与变化。 关键词:汽车 品牌 标志 再设计 I Abstract Abstract Mark is a kind of the art of enrichment. With the development of global economy, cult ure, symbol significance has become increasingly important. Mark is not only a symbol, but also the concentrated expressions of spiritual and cultural inside and outside the enterprise . Along with market competition intensifying, the change of consumers aesthetic orientation, the improving their competitiveness and vitality of the enterprise are upgrading the brand a nd logo design. Due to the poor original brand image of enterprise , trying to enter the international ma rket. The logo design is not concise enough , the transition of the enterprise marketing strate gy and some other reasons,


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