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Classified Index: University Code: 10075 U.D.C: NO: A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts Research on Methods of Redesign of Visual Image of “Wang Chenglan” Food C a n d i d a t e :Zhang Xiangrong Supervisor :Associate Prof.Hou Zhigang Academic Degree Applied :Professional Degree Speciality :Master of Fine Arts University :Hebei University Date of Oral Examination :May,2014 摘 要 摘 要 品牌视觉形象是无声的推销员,对于企业形象的塑造、企业的发展以及产品的销 售有着巨大的作用。尤其是墨守陈规的老字号食品品牌,视觉形象体系大都陈旧、老 化,跟不上时代的步伐。本文通过参与“王成兰”食品视觉形象再设计的项目研究, 主要探讨在新时代的背景下如何重塑老字号的品牌视觉形象,使其散发年轻活力。 文章从以下五个部分进行论述:(一)老字号食品视觉形象现状的调研分析;(二) 保定老字号品牌-“王成兰”食品的历史渊源;(三)“王成兰”食品的视觉形象现状分 析;(四)“王成兰”食品标志再设计的方案分析;(五)“王成兰”食品新包装的设计 方案。 通过对“王成兰”食品的标志以及包装的再设计,使其建立了强有力的品牌视觉 形象,品牌气质大幅度提升,更加迎合了现代消费审美,有利于企业的进一步发展。 关键词:品牌视觉形象 老字号 再设计 标志 视觉元素 包装 I Abstract Abstract Visual brand image like a silent salesman plays huge role in shaping the corporate image, development of the enterprise as well as product sale. Especially, the visual image system of time-honored food brands is old, aging and can not catch up with the pace of the times. This paper, based the case study on redesign of visual image of “Wang Chenglan” food, mainly discusses how to reshape visual brand image of time-honored brand in the new ear to revive as new birth. This paper is divided into 5 parts. Part 1 involves the investigation analysis on the current situation of visual image system of time-honored food brands. Part 2 introduces the hi


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