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摘 要 摘 要 屏风自西周时期出现并沿用至今,使用范围非常广泛,是中华民族创造的一种独 特的艺术形式。本课题通过对中国屏风艺术形态的衍变以及其在中式餐饮空间设计中 的应用与拓展进行研究。运用理论分析与实践相结合的手法,首先,阐述了屏风在各 个历史时期的文化内涵、功能、类型及其在室内空间中的应用形式。它以独特鲜明的 个性反映着人们的生活方式、道德观念与民族特征,丰富着人们的生活环境,满足着 人们的审美需求。其次,对现代餐饮空间特征进行分析,了解现代人们对餐饮空间环 境的要求,在餐饮空间设计中屏风是如何灵活自由的组织空间,对空间进行组合设计, 以及如何影响人们的就餐心理。最后,立足现代,深入理解中国传统屏风艺术的文化 内涵,对其所承载的传统文化进行挖掘,从中找到灵感,将其构成元素进行重新整合, 创造出新的艺术形态,将其合理的运用到中式餐饮空间设计中,满足不同人对就餐环 境的要求。将屏风艺术自身的设计理念与现代的应用模式相结合,充分利用现代的科 学技术手段,创造出更多灵活多变的餐饮空间环境,使其既满足人们的实用需求又符 合现代审美的标准,实现自身的时代价值与意义的同时,还能将这门古老的艺术形式 继续的发扬,从而进行更好的传承与拓展。 关键词:屏风艺术 餐饮空间 创新与拓展 I Abstract Abstract The screen is created in Western Zhou Dynasty and still in use today widely. It is a unique art form created by the Chinese people. This paper studies the art form evolvement of the screen and its application and development in the dining space design of the Chinese style. Firstly, it introduces the cultural meaning, function, type and its application form in the interior space in various periods. This could better our living environment and satisfy our aesthetic needs. Secondly, it makes an analysis on the design of the modern dining space to understand nowadays people’s requirement and how to flexibly place the screen in the dining room to change the environment to affect people ’s feeling when dining. Finally, it deeply studies the cultural meaning of the Chinese traditional screen art to find its culture value on the point of modern time. With the inspiration obtained from this, we will reorgani ze the elements to create new art form, which could be duly performed in the dining space d esign of the Chinese style. When the design concept of the screen itself is combined with th e modern appli


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