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班级:11级葡萄酒班 学号:20111054101 甲醛对果蝇发育和繁殖的影响 摘要: 甲醛已被广泛用于人们的日常生活中,成为室内环境的主要污染源 为探讨甲醛对动物不同发育阶段的毒性,本文以模式生物果蝇 Drosophila melanogaster 为对象,研究了饲料中添加不同浓度甲醛对果蝇生长发育的影响 结果显示,当对照组发育至3 龄幼虫 ( 孵化后3 d) 时,与未添加甲醛的对照组相比,饲料中添加0. 25%或0. 50%的甲醛极显著降低了幼虫的体重 ( P < 0. 01) ,添加了0. 50%甲醛的饲料组中发育出来的雌 雄成蝇体重也显著低于对照组,其中雌虫体重的差异达到极显著水平 此外,饲料中添加甲醛,还显著延长了幼虫发育的时间,即从胚胎到化蛹的发育时间 胚胎到羽化的发育时间都极显著长于对照组 ( P < 0. 01) ,而其蛹期变态发育时间在对照组和各实验组之间没有显著差异 饲料中添加甲醛,还极显著降低了果蝇的产卵量 ( P < 0. 01) 。综上结果表明,饲料中含有甲醛可显著降低果蝇的发育速度,影响果蝇的生长和繁殖力,但对果蝇蛹期变态发育过程没有显著影响。 关键词: 甲醛; 果蝇; 幼虫; 体重; 发育; 产卵 Effect of formaldehyde in diet on development and reproduction of Dro-sophila melanogaster TURSUN Abdurahman1, 2,ZHENG Ya1,WANG Yu- Feng1*( 1. Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetic Reg-ulation and Integrative Biology,College of Life Science,Huazhong Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China; 2. Department of Life and Environmental Science,Kashgar Teachers College,Kashgar 844000,China) Abstract: Formaldehyde is widely used in daily life nowadays. It has been the main source of environ-mental pollution caused by indoor decoration. To investigate the toxicity of formaldehyde on the develop-ment of different stages of Drosophila menlanogaster,we fed the flies with the diet containing formalde-hyde and observed the situations of their development and reproduction. We showed that the contamina-tion of 0. 25% or 0. 50% of formaldehyde resulted in significantly decreased body weight of the 3rdinstarlarvae ( P < 0. 01) ,3- d- old female adults ( P < 0. 01) and male adults ( P < 0. 05) . In addition,feed-ing with formaldehyde contaminated medium caused significantly longer developing time from embryo topupation than that in control ( P < 0. 01) ,while the time of metamorphosis in pupae was not impacted.Formaldehyde also brought the significantly decreased amount of spawned eggs ( P < 0. 01) . These re-sults suggest that formaldehyde may inhibit the growth of larvae and adults,prolong the developmentaltime of fly larvae and impact on t


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