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基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的信息融合技术 在车辆状态估计中的应用* 宗长富 潘 钊 胡 丹 郑宏宇 徐 颖 (吉林大学汽车动态模拟国家重点试验室 长春 130025) 摘要:车辆行驶中某些状态参量不易准确测得或测量成本较高,而这些变量的准确获取对车辆底盘控制有着重要的意义。 为以较低成本获取重要的的车辆运动状态,建立包括横摆、侧向和纵向 3 自由度的非线性车辆模型,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波 (Extended Kalman filtering, EKF)理论建立了信息融合算法,给出车辆状态变量最小方差意义下的融合结果,利用少量的易测 车辆状态信息(转向盘转角,车辆纵、侧向加速度)融合得出所需的难测车辆状态(横摆角速度、质心侧偏角)。并在 matlab/simulink 环境下利用实车场地试验数据进行了离线仿真。多种工况下对的场地试验结果表明该算法在估计汽车横摆角 速度、质心侧偏角、纵向速度时具有一定的准确性,特别是对横摆角速度的估计即使在车辆非线性区也表现出良好性能。同 时该融合算法简单、稳定、所需融合输入较少的特点使该算法在实际中的应用成为可能。 关键词: 汽车动力学 车辆状态估计 信息融合 扩展卡尔曼滤波 中图分类号:U463.4 Information Fusion Algorithm for Vehicle State Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filtering ZONG Changfu PAN Zhao HU Dan ZHENG Hongyu XU Ying (State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation, Jilin University, Changchun 130025) Abstract : Some state variables are not easy to obtain accurately or cheaply while the vehicle is traveling, however these state variables are of great significance to chassis control. A nonlinear 3 degree-of-freedom vehicle model including yaw motion, longitudinal motion and side motion is set up, and proposes a information fusion algorithm based on extended Kalman filtering (EKF) which gives out a fusion result of state variables via minimizing mean square error. Fusing a few state variables of vehicles (steering wheel angle, longitudinal acceleration and lateral acceleration), the needed variables of the vehicle (yaw rate and sideslip angle) are procured. The off line simulation is achieved in Matlab/simulink with the field test data. The accuracy of the algorithm to estimating yaw rate, longitudinal rate and side slip angle, especially the agreat performance, even in the nonlinear zone of the vehicle, of the estimation of the yaw rate is ve


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