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2011 3 成功的市场进驻策略是决定市场地位的关键 李悦铭 (香港浸会大学, 香港 999077) : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; do :i 10. 3969/.j issn. 1008- 0155. 2011. 03. 039 中图分类号: F713. 52 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1008- 0155( 2011) 03- 0089- 02 Abs tract: In face of the o ortun ity ofM arket- oriented econom ic develo ment in China, Procter Gamble ( PG) caught sight of the otentialChinesemarket and began to enter it. Guided bymulti- brands strategy and differentiated marketing strategy, PG considers econom ical, olitical and cultural background in Ch ina, basing on east- w est d ifferentiation, rural- city d ifferentiation, the consumer needs for trad itional culture and sustain- able develo m ent olicy, investigates h igh - technology, environm ental- friendly and Chinese- taste roducts distributed by articular- designed d istribution netw ork. PG has set u its giant market status in Ch ina. Be- sides those successful strategies, PG obeys Ch inese law, erforms social res onsibility and morality as w ell. Coord inating w ith local government by hel to organize charity, cu ltural activities and business know ledge offer- ing, meanw h ile, rotects natural environm ent and resources. A ccord ing to th is, PG has set u an excellent branded mi age in consumer grou , reaches the ambition of double- w in and offers the basis for future develo - ment in Ch ina. K ey W ords: Procter Gamble; Ch ineseM arket; Garrison Strategy; ObjectiveA ssessment ( PG) 173 , 1837, 300, , , , , , :



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