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企业物流外包决策分析研究 摘要 在市场竞争日益激烈的环境下,很多企业必须想出一条既能保证企业生存发展,又能保持竞争优势的出路。在这种背景下,越来越多的企业将自己的非核心物流业务外包给第三方物流服务商,以便集中精力于核心业务。因此,企业如何在充分认识物流外包的优势和风险基础上,对企业物流外包进行合理决策是一个需要研究的重要课题。 首先阐述了物流外包的概念和理论基础,然后对企业物流外包决策进行分析,并分别对物流外包的运作模式、考虑因素、优势与风险进行详细的分析说明。其次对企业物流外包的现状以及企业实行物流外包的有效策略进行深入探讨。最后结合具体案例,指出企业物流外包决策分析的内容。 关键词:物流外包 决策分析 实施对策 Enterprise logistics outsourcing decision analysis research ABSTRACT Under the current violently competitive environment, many enterprises must search a way where they can be sure to develop and maintain the competitive advantage. Under this background, some enterprises outsource their non-core business to the enterprises of the Third Party Logistics in order to focus their energy on their core business. So how the enterprises come to a reasonable decision for the enterprises’ logistics outsourcing after understanding the superiorities and the risks of logistics outsourcing is a very important issue for discussion. Firstly expounds the concept and theory of logistics outsourcing, and then based on enterprise logistics outsourcing decision analysis, and points the operation mode of logistics outsourcing, factors, advantages and risk carried on the detailed analysis of the instructions. Second of enterprise logistics outsourcing status and the enterprises implement the effective strategy of logistics outsourcing are discussed. Based on the specific case, points out that the enterprise logistics outsourcing decision analysis content. Keywords: logistics outsourcing, decision-analysis, countermeasure 目录 1引言 1 1.1研究的背景 1 1.2研究的意义 1 2物流外包综述 2 2.1外包的定义 2 2.2物流外包的定义 2 2.3物流外包的现状 2 2.4物流外包理论基础 3 3企业物流外包决策分析 7 3.1企业物流外包的运作方式 7 3.2企业物流外包的动因及阻因 8 3.3企业物流外包决策时具体考虑因素 9 3.4企业实施物流外包的优势 10 3.5企业实施物流外包的潜在风险 11 4企业实施物流外包的对策及建议 13 4.1我国企业物流外包实施策略 13 4.2企业实施物流外包的建议 14 5福特汽车公司的物流外包 16 5.1福特公司概况 16 5.2福特汽车公司物流外包决策 16 6结论与展望 18 6.1结论 18 6.2展望 18 谢辞 20 参考文献 21 1引言 1.1研究的背景 随着交通运输技术、信息技术的不断进步,以及企业对强化自身核心竞争力的密切关注,促使现代物流开始向专业化服务方向发展。据统计,在第三方物流市场成熟的西欧,大约有76%的企业表示它们正在使用物流外包服务,其中7



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