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本科毕业论文 (20 届) 流网渔船稳性校核 目 录 摘 要 1 [Abstract] 2 1 绪论 3 1.1 选题的意义 3 1.2 国内外对渔船稳性的研究状况 3 1.3 本设计的主要内容 4 1.3.1设计任务 4 1.3.2设计内容 5 2 设计船主尺度及排水量的确定 5 2.1 分析任务书与母型船资料 5 2.2 估算设计船主尺度及排水量 5 2.3 设计船重量估算 6 2.3.1空船重量估算 6 2.3.2载重量计算 7 2.4 确定设计船主尺度及排水量 7 3 设计船型线设计 8 3.1 设计船型线设计 8 3.2 绘制设计船型线图 8 4 设计船总布置设计 11 4.1 设计船总布置设计 11 4.2 绘制设计船的总布置草图 11 4.3 设计船重量重心计算 12 5 设计船初稳性校核 19 5.1 设计船静水力计算 19 5.2 绘制设计船静水力曲线 32 5.3 设计船初稳性和浮态计算 33 6 总结部分 40 6.1 全船说明书 40 6.1.1概述 40 6.1.2主要量度 40 6.1.3甲板间高 40 6.1.4主机 40 6.1.5定员 40 6.1.6总体布置 40 6.1.7船体结构 41 6.2 总结 43 【参考文献】 44 附录:译文 45 摘 要 渔船是利用各种渔具来捕捞鱼类的船舶,它们的捕捞方式有网捕、绳钓、叉击以及灯光诱捕等,其中以网捕的方式较为普遍。本论文是在母型船的基础上,按照任务书要求设计一艘单桨、单舵、单机、尾机型流网渔船,并对该船进行稳性校核。我的主要任务是确定新船主尺度后绘制该船型线图和总布置图,然后计算该船的静水力性能并绘制静水力曲线,按照规范要求校核该船五种状态下的浮态和初稳性。整个设计以任务书为起点,依照规范以及参考母型船,分析主要参数并计算船舶稳性,总体思路遵循船舶设计的常规方法及流程,满足相关规范及法则。 设计船为一条总长33.16米,型宽5.5米,型深3米,设计吃水2.4米的钢制流网渔船。该船采用单底单甲板形式,整体结构采用横骨架结构形式。 [关键词] Drift-net?Fishing Ship Stability?Check [Abstract]Fishing ship is one of fish vessels that use a variety of fishing gear to catch fish, like netting, rope fish,fork and hit,and light trapping, of which the more common way is net fishing. This paper is to design a drift-net?fishing with a single screw, a single rudder, a single propulsion engine which in accordance with the requirement of the mission statement and on the basis of mother ship, and check the stability of the vessel. My main task is to determine the principal dimensions of the new ship and draw its model lines and general arrangement. Then I calculation the static hydraulic performance and draw curve of the ship, and, I calculated the five states of the floating state and the initial stability. According to the given ship design assignment, analyze the main parameters and calculate the stability of the ship, combine with characteristics of the fishing vessel and satisfy with the principle , then complete the design. Its a steel fishing ship with 33.16m long, 5.5m wide, 3m depth, and 2.4m draught. with a single bo


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