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本科毕业论文 (20 届) 散货船快速性研究 专业:船舶与海洋工程 目录 3 1. 总体设计 4 1.1分析任务书与现有资料 4 1.2 设计船主尺度的确定 5 1.3型线设计 5 1.4静水力计算与静水力曲线图 9 1.5重量重心计算 23 1.6初稳性校核 29 1.7总布置及船体舱室说明 30 2. 性能设计 32 2.1设计船船体阻力与有效功率估算 32 2.2螺旋桨图谱设计 33 3.毕业设计总结 44 参考文献 45 外文翻译 46 附译文 50 摘 要 散货船作为当代三大运输船型之一,在全球航运业范围内有着举足轻重的作用,为了应对日益激烈的运输竞争,各方都在想方设法来缩短运营周期,降低成本,这就会牵扯到快速性能的问题,本次设计将详细介绍散货船的快速性研究,主要内容如下:主尺度的确定、排水量的初步验证、总布置设计与总布置草图、重量重心计算、静水力计算及静水力曲线图、稳性浮态计算、阻力与有效功率估算、螺旋桨计算与绘图。通过这些设计工作,研究散货船的快速性能。 本次设计内容的各个部分可参考如下资料:主尺度的确定、总布置的设计主要参考《船舶设计原理》,静水力曲线的绘制主要参考《船舶静力学》并且有详细的表格可以作参考,型值表的提取和型线图的绘制可参考《船体制图》,阻力估算和螺旋桨图谱设计的规范过程都在《船舶快速性》上。 最终得到设计船的主尺度数据;船长98.6m,垂线间长92m,型宽14.5m,型深7.2m,设计吃水6.0m,排水量6620.56t。 [关键词] Bulk carrier quickness research [Abstract]: As one of three transport ship contemporary, The bulk carrier has a important role in the global shipping industry range. In order to deal with increasingly fierce competition, all parties the transportation in ways to cut short operational period、lower cost. and this will involve to fast performance problems,This will be designed to detail the quickness of bulk carriers,This design has mainly carried on the following works: Determination of principal dimensionsthe preliminary confirmation of displacement、general layout design and the draft、 the focus of computing and the total weight of the ship to be confirmed; the stability of typical floating states、propeller design and graphics. Through these design work to Study the rapid bulk performance. This design content of each part can be referenced below material :The main determination of dimensions、layout design main reference《 design principle of the ship》,Static hydraulic curve main reference 《ship statics》,And have the detailed form can be for reference,Type value table extraction and type of chart drawing reference 《hull drawings》,Resistance estimation and propeller map design specification processes are in《 ship quickness》. Finally obtained principal dimension data design ships;length over all is 98.6m, length between perpendiculars


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