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·748 · 医学临床研究 2004 年7 月 第21 卷 第7 期 J Clin Res ,Jul. 2004 ,Vol 21,N7 ·论著 · 咪唑类驱虫药致脱髓鞘脑病21 例临床分析 杨平生 (湖南省永州市人民医院神经内科,湖南 永州 425000 ) [摘要]【目的】探讨咪唑类驱虫药致脱髓鞘脑病的临床特点。【方法】回顾性分析21 例咪唑类驱虫药致 脱髓鞘脑病患者的临床表现、实验室检查及治疗。【结果】21 例主要临床表现为:精神异常(87 . 2% )、意识障 碍( 68. 1% )、运动障碍(66. 7% )等,脑脊液呈轻度炎性改变(68. 3% )、脑电图异常(80 . 0% )、MRI 异常 (100% )。病灶主要分布在大脑皮质下、侧脑室周围白质内;肾上腺皮质激素治疗有效,但甲基强的松龙冲击 组总显效率高于常规地塞米松治疗组( 0 . 05 )。【结论】咪唑类驱虫药致脱髓鞘脑病主要表现为脑部弥漫 P 性受损的症状和体征;服用驱虫药史及MRI 资料是诊断的关键;肾上腺皮质激素尤其是甲基强的松龙疗效 显著。 [关键词] 驱虫药/ 副作用; 脑疾病; 脱髓鞘疾病/ 化学诱导; 咪唑类/ 副作用 Clinical Analysis of Twenty-one Cases with Demyelinating Encephalopathy Induced by Ant- helmintic Imidazoles ( YANC Ping-sheng Dep artment of Neurology ,Yongzhou Municip al Peop les Hosp ital ,Yongzhou 425000 ,Hunan ,China ) [Abstract ]【Objective 】To study the clinical features of demyelinating encephalopathy induced by anthelmintic imidazoles(DEIAI ). 【Methods 】The clinical manifestation ,laboratory examination and treatment of 21 cases with DE- IAI were analyzed retrospectively. 【Results 】The main clinical manifestations in these patients were mental symptoms (87 . 2% ),disorders of consciousness (68. 1% ),motor disorder (66. 7% ),etc. The examinations of CSF showed mild inflammatory changes (68. 3% ). Abnormalities in electroencephalography (80% )and MRI(100% )were ob- served. The MRI of 21 cases displayed multiple white matter lesions scattered in the subcortical and periventricular regions . The therapeutic efficacy of methylprednisolone impact therapy was apparently better than that of routine dexa- methasone treatment ( 0 . 05 ). 【Conclusion 】The main manifestations of DEIAI are symptoms and


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