人教版必修四《A taste of English humour》word同步练习6.docVIP

人教版必修四《A taste of English humour》word同步练习6.doc

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人教版必修四《A taste of English humour》word同步练习6.doc

Module 4 Unit 3 A taste of English humor 一、根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。 By the end of February schools are opened t________ the country. He is a f________ as an artist, but a success as an art teacher. If we work with a strong will, we can o________ any difficulty, no matter how great it is. He had great d________ in getting the work done within a week. They sent the enemy ship to the b________ of the sea. I’m so full that I couldn’t eat another m________. Hundreds of people leave their villages hoping to gain their f________ in cities. A m________ country is one in which there are many mountains . I found it ________ (令人惊讶的) that the young player beat the chess master in the game. I still remember her ________ (特别的) way of smiling. My family ________ (款待) him as an honored guest. Elizabeth Fry helped to improve prison conditions and gave the ________ (无家可归的) work and education. After graduating from Peking University, he was ________ (幸运的) in having a good job. I lived in an area of ________ (显著的) natural beauty. A million dollars is a v________ amount of money. 二、请从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 boil, chew, cruel, direct, sense, slide, star, swing, whisper, worn-out, badly off, content, cut off, knock, pick, star 1. She is ________ her job at the moment. 2. We shouldn’t be unhappy about being ________ ?many families are much worse off than we are. i3. It’s easy to ________ my car from others in the parking place; it has an advertisement of Toshiba TV on the back of it. 4. Several months ago Harbin ________ its water supply for four days because of pollution fear in Songhua River, which is Harbin’s main water source. 5. She has ________ some thirty films in all her life. 6. The boy rode very fast and ________ an old man. 7. She ________ into the room not wanting to wake the baby. 8. Anyone who likes watching people suffer is ________. 9. These cars are ________ and must be replaced. 10. When water ________, it changes into steam. 11. Do everything step


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