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摘 要 公平和正义是人类追求的目标。司法程序的公正依赖于司法者对权力的公正 行使,而人性所固有的偏私、恣意、专断极易使权力出现滥用。而司法人员滥用 权力的一个突出表现就是刑讯逼供。刑讯逼供是一个国家司法不文明的主要标志 之一,它不仅严重地侵犯了犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的人身权利和民主权利,而且容 易形成冤假错案。将刑讯逼供称之为“司法的毒瘤”确不为过。可以说,人类法 制文明的历史,就是不断剔除刑讯逼供、加强犯罪嫌疑人、被告人人权保障的历 史。当 16 世纪人类启蒙思想家猛烈抨击封建残暴司法,高呼民主、自由和博爱的 口号时,近代法制文明便首先从剔除刑讯逼供而开始萌芽了。近现代以来,刑事 诉讼制度的发展呈现文明化、民主化、科学化的世界性趋势。然而就在诉讼文明 日益得到彰显的今天,刑讯逼供这种古老而又野蛮的诉讼手段却在倡导法治的时 代背景下禁而不绝,尽管许多国家都在法律中废止了刑讯逼供,但在各国刑事司 法实践中仍有大量的秘密刑讯和变相刑讯存在。刑讯逼供作为一个严重的问题, 越来越受到司法界的高度重视。为什么刑讯逼供屡禁不止?如何有效遏制刑讯逼 供?许多学者对此进行了分析,并提出了许多颇有价值的见解。笔者作为曾在法 院工作第一线工作多年的法官,试图在借鉴诸多学者和同仁研究成果的基础上, 从理论与实践的结合上,对刑讯逼供的现状和危害、刑讯逼供的诸种原因以及防 治对策进行系统的探讨。 关键词:刑讯逼供 成因 对策 I ABSTRACT Fairness and justice are the ultimate goal of human being. The judicial justice is relayed on the fairness of the judicial personnel nowadays. The dark side of human nature such as prejudice and arbitrariness are easily leading to the abuse of power. The most predominant symptom of power abuse by judicatory personal is inquisition by torture and confession by extort. The inquisition torturing and confession extorting is the main symbol of uncivilized judicial system. It seriously abuses suspects’ human rights and democracy rights. It also leads to fake case or wrongly judged case. It is not an exaggeration to call torturing and extorting “a cancer of the judicial system”. The history of judicial civilization is a history of eliminating torturing and extorting and a history of improving the human rights of the accused or the suspects. Since 16 century some enlightening philosophies already started to criticize the feudalism judicial atrocity and cry for democracy, freedom and humanity. The modern times judicial civilization was germinated since then by gradually getting ri


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