美国国务卿希拉里在联 合国气候变化框架大会发表讲话.docVIP

美国国务卿希拉里在联 合国气候变化框架大会发表讲话.doc

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美国国务卿希拉里在联合国气候变化框架大会发表讲话 2009年12月17日,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Rodham Clinton)在出席联合国气候变化框架大会(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change )期间发表讲话。以下是讲话全文: Remarks at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton Copenhagen, Denmark December 17, 2009 在联合国气候变化框架大会发表讲话 国务卿希拉里·克林顿 丹麦,哥本哈根 2009年12月17日 ? Thank you all for coming this morning.? I arrived in Copenhagen several hours ago.? I’ve just had a briefing on the state of the negotiations. I'd like to give you a brief report on where we stand and then make an announcement. 谢谢诸位今天上午来到这里。几小时前,我才抵达哥本哈根。我刚听取了有关谈判目前状况的介绍。我想简单地向诸位谈谈我们的立场,然后宣布有关行动。 First, let me thank Todd Stern and the terrific team representing the United States at this conference. Actually, they’ve been representing us ever since the beginning of the Obama Administration over this past year. 首先,我感谢托德·斯特恩(Todd Stern)以及代表美国出席这次大会的优秀的代表团成员。事实上,自奥巴马政府开始执政一年来,他们始终担任我们的代表。 We appointed Todd Stern as our first-ever Special Envoy for Climate Change because we understood that this is one of the most urgent global challenges of our time, and it demands a global solution. Climate change threatens not only our environment, but our economy and our security -- this is an undeniable and unforgiving fact. 我们任命托德·斯特恩为我们的首位气候变化事务特使,是因为我们认识到这是我们时代面临的最紧迫的全球挑战之一,需要有全球性的对策。气候变化不仅威胁到我们的环境,还危及我们的经济与安全,这是不可否认的严酷事实。 So in addition to the robust actions that the Obama Administration has taken at home -- from the historic investment in clean energy included in the Recovery Act to the new efficiency standards for cars, trucks, and appliances -- we have pursued an unprecedented effort to engage partners around the world in the fight against climate change.? And we produced real results. 因此,奥巴马政府除了在国内积极采取行动外--从已纳入《复苏法案》(Recovery Act)的对清洁能源具有历史意义的投资,到为小汽车、卡车和电器制定新的节能标准--我们还进行了前所未有的努力,联合全球合作伙伴共同抗击气候变化。 我们已取得实际的成果。 President Obama launched the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate which brought together key developed and dev


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