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本科学生毕业设计 Android手机游戏连连看的设计与实现 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一二年六月 The Graduation Design for Bachelor's Degree Design and implementation of Android mobile phone game Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06·Harbin 摘 要 随着3G时代的到来,使得更多内容丰富的应用程序在手机上成为可能,为了承载更多的数据,以Google公司发起的OHA联盟走在了世界的前列,随着Android手机平台的问世,给智能手机的发展带来了又一希望。Android凭借其开放性和灵活性渐渐赶超原有系统平台,成为近年来最热门的移动终端平台之一,在Android平台上进行游戏的开发,成为一个有趣并富有潜力的领域。 的目的就是解和掌握Android操作系统,并在Androi平台上做简单的移动智能应用开发。平台采用Java语言在eclipse上实现并测试。 介绍Android平台上开发的小游戏连连看的过程及方该游戏实现“连连看”游戏的基本功能 关键词:Android; Java; 3G; 游戏 ABSTRACT With the arrival of the 3G era, more and more rich content of the application in the mobile phone to be possible. In order to carry more data, Google launched OHA union walk in the front of the world, with the advent of Android mobile phone platform, to the smart mobile phone development brought hope. Android by virtue of its openness and flexibility gradually surpass the original system platform, become the most popular mobile terminal platform in recent years, in Android platform to developing games, become an interesting and promising area. The purpose of this design is to understand and grasp the Android operating system. And in the Android platform to develop some simple mobile application, the platform using Java language to implementation and test in MyEclipse. The design of the first a brief description of the Android platform, the introduce the process and method of Android platform game ”Lianliankan”. The game is to achieve the basic functions of game, also enumerated that encountered some problems and solutions in debugging process. Through this graduation design , we can make the software design experience to the actual software development process, improve our professional ability, so as to learn professional knowledge. Keywords: Android; Java; 3G; Game 目 录 第一章 概 述 错误!未定义书签。 1.1 手机应用市场现状 2 1.2 智能手机应用平台 3 1.3 Android平台介绍 5 1.4 Android开源性能展望 7 第二章 连连看游戏开发过程介绍 8 2.1 连连看游戏背景介绍 8 2.2 连连看游戏开发平台介绍 9


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