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, ( ) : , 天津农业科学 Tianjin Agricultural Sciences 2014 20 11 49-53 57 三农问题研究 思南县现代农业实现程度及发展对策 张永江 ( 思南县农业资源区划研究中心,贵州思南565100) 摘 要: 农业现代化是“四化同步”的关键和基础,采用《国家现代农业示范区建设监测评价办法》(试行)对思南县现代农业现实 程度进行了综合评价。结果表明,总体实现程度为63.48%。围绕现代农业的构成要素,提出了该县未来4 年现代农业发展的基 本思路、目标和重点建设任务,即重点打造张家寨茶叶、塘头果蔬和许家坝畜牧养殖等3 个农业核心园区,主抓粮油、生态茶、 果蔬、生态畜牧、烤烟和中药材等6 大主导产业,壮大农产品加工、现代农产品物流和农业休闲观光等三大关联产业;构筑金融 服务、科技支撑、疫病防控、质量安全和环境保护等五大支撑体系。 关键词: 现代农业;思南县;发展对策 中图分类号:F325 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:0 .3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2014.11.012 Extent of Modern Agriculture of Sinan County and its Development Countermeasures ZHANG Yong-jiang (Sinan Division Center of Agricultural Resources, Sinan, Guizhou 565100, China) Abstract : Agricultural modernization is the key and base of four synchronization, the degree of modern agriculture reality, Sinan County was evaluated according with the national modern agricultural demonstration zone construction monitoring and evaluation methods (for trial implementation). The results showed that the total implementation degree is 63.48%. For elements around the mod- ern agriculture, the basic ideas, objectives and key construction task of modern agriculture development of the county in the future four years were proposed. That is focused on creating three core agricultural park, Zhangjiazhai tea, Tangtou fruits and vegetables and Xujiaba livestock breeding, and six big dominant, grain and oil, fruits and vegetables, ecological tea, ecological animal husbandry, to- bacco and traditional Chinese medicinal materials industry, and three interrelated industries, the processing of agricultural products, agricultural products logistics industry and leisure and sightseeing agriculture; building five support systems, a financial services, technology suppor


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