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教 案 Unit5 课型 First period Teaching target Practice this Unit importance How to comprehend this passage Teaching aid procedures Teaching procedures 教学方法及备注 Leading in process Warning up 请大声朗读这两部分中含黑体字的短语或句子,并用这些黑体字词填空: 1 ??Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. Question brainstorm: 1. Have you ever thought that you will go abroad someday? 2. If you have a chance to study abroad, which country would you like to study in? 3. What difficulties do you think you will meet with? Keep it up, Xie Lei Chinese student fitting in well 1.I've been working twelve hours a day, but I shall not be able to keep it up. 2. However, these animals remained because they were able to fit in with their surroundings. Step two: Read the passage quickly and write a summary (about 30 words It mainly talks about the Chinese student Xie Lei’s university study and life,especially about some benefits she gets as well as some difficulties she faces while studying in London. 这主要讲述中国学生谢雷的大学学习与生活。特别是有关她在伦敦学习时的得益以及所遇到的困难。 Part I Para. 1 1.谢蕾在英国干什么? 问: What is Xie Lei in England for/What does Xie Lei do in England/What is Xie Lei doing in England? 答: She is in England to study at a university. 2. 请用本段中黑体的字词填空 1) Don’t jump the queue! 2) The visa expires(到期) next month 3) The students overcrowded the cafeteria. 3. 经典句子翻译: 1)六个月以前, 谢蕾告别中国的家人和朋友, 登上了飞往伦敦的飞机。 Six months ago Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London. 2 )这是她第一次离开自己的祖国。 It was the first time she had ever left her motherland. 当年高考 1. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _________ in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects 我曾带过孩子,所以我知道我的新工作中会碰到些什么. 2. ?The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _____ floors. People in it had no way to get out. A.in B.between C.among D.on 3. Don't eat anything _____ meals if you want to lose weight. A.in B.between C.among D.on Par


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