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1-11-89 1-11-67 1-11-45 1-11-23 1-11-1 年 份 造林总面积 年份 Year Area of Nature Reserves (10 000 hectares) Number of Pollution and Destruction Accidents (time) (hectare) Total Area of Afforestation 人工造林 Manual Planting 飞机播种 Airplane Planting 用材林 Timber Forests 经济林 By-product Forests 防护林 Protection Forests 特种用途林 Forests for Special Purpose 地下水 Ground-Water Water Use (100 million cu.m) Per Captita Water Use (cu.m/person) 地表水资源量 地下水资源量 地表水与地下水资源量 Surface Water Resources Ground Water Resources Duplicated Measurement Between Surface Water and Groundwater 按造林方式分 By Approach #死亡人数 Deaths Forest Fires (times) #天然林 Natural Forest #人工林 Manmade Forest Casualties (person) Fire Alarms Ordinary Fire Major Fire Severe Fire 年 份 Direct Economic Losses (10 000 yuan) Reparations and Fines on Pollution Accidents (10 000 yuan) Investment Completed in the Treatment of Industrial Pollution (10 000 yuan) 治理废水 Treatment of Waste Water 治理废气 Treatment of Waste Gas 治理固体 废物 Treatment of Solid Waste 治理噪声 Treatment of Noise Pollution 治理其他 Treatment of Other Pollution 注:从1997年起,工业“三废”排放及处理的统计范围由原来的对县及县以上有污染物排放的工业企业,扩大到对有污染排放的乡镇工业企业的统计。 1-11-1 全国环境保护基本情况 Note: From 1997, statistical coverage of emission of industrial waste water, waste gas and solid waste are widened, from industrial enterprises with pollution emission at county level and above to those at township level. 注:生态用水仅包括部分河湖、湿地人工补水和城市环境用水。 Note: Water use by ecological protection only includes artficial supplement of river lake, wetland and city entironment. 1-11-2 水资源情况 Water Resources 生态 Ecological Protection 工业 Industry 其他 Others 地表水 Surface Water 1-11-3 供水用水情况 Water Supply and Water Use Area of Afforestation 1-11-4 造林面积 1-11-5 林业重点工程造林面积 Area of Key Afforestation Projects 注:2007年全国合计造林面积中包括军事


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