Module 1 Life in the Future.doc

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Module 1 Life in the Future (词汇和课文重点句子讲解) 第一部分:词汇1. alternative (1). adj.替换的;其他的;供选择的 e. g. I offered the alternative suggestions of spending the vacation in the mountains or by the sea. 我建议这次假期不到山上就到海边去。 In the future, we will use more alternative energy, such as wave power and wind power. 将来我们不得不更多的其他能源,如潮汐能和风能。 If the first plan doesn’t work, we’ll have to carry out the alternative one. 如果第一计划行不通,我们将不得不执行代替方案。 (2). c. n.选择;供选择的东西 e. g. He knew he had to work hard: there was no alternative. =He had no alternative but to work hard. 他知道他必须努力工作,别无选择。 The school is not far from his home, so he takes the alternative of walking. 学校离他家不远,所以他选择步行。 You have the alternative of speaking or of keeping quiet. 你或者发言或者保持肃静。 It is a reasonable alternative to the present system. 这相对于现存的制度来说是一个合理的选择。 构词解析: alternative adj. 替换的;其他的;供选择的 c. n. 选择;供选择的东西; alternatively adv. 供选择地;代替地 2. load (1) c.n.装载物(量); 工作量;(精神等方面的)负担,负荷 e. g. He climbed the hill with a heavy load on his back every day.他每天背负重物爬山。 The teachers’ work load in our school is about 10 hours a day. 我们学校老师的工作量每天约十个小时。 The sick child is a heavy load for his father to bear. 那个生病的小男孩让他的父亲心力交瘁。 (2). vt.装;装载?? 常用短语:load …with…用……将……装满 ?e. g. They loaded the truck with bananas. (=They loaded bananas onto the truck.) 他们用卡车运香蕉。 The table was loaded with dishes. 桌子上摆满了菜。 构词解析: load c.n. 装载物(量); 工作量;(精神等方面的)负担,负荷 vt. 装;装载 loaded adj.装了货的;满载的 3. arrest (1)vt.逮捕,扣留;停止,阻止;吸引(注意等) e. g. The police arrested the criminal for selling drugs. 警察因为贩卖毒品而逮捕了那个罪犯。 The treatment arrested the growth of the disease. 治疗阻止了疾病的发展。 The bright lights arrested the baby’s attention.鲜艳的颜色吸引了婴儿的注意力。 (2) n. 逮捕? 常用于短语:under arrest 逮捕;拘留 e. g. He is under arrest and awaiting trial.他已被逮捕正等候审判。 构词解析: arrest vt. 逮捕,扣留;停止,阻止;吸引(注意等)n. 逮捕 arresting adj.引人注目的;醒目的 4. limit (1) c. n.界限;限制? (常用复数形式) 常见短语: a limit to/on 对于……的限制?? set a limit on/to限制……? the limit忍耐的极限 e. g. There is a limit to what I can do for you. 我能为你做的事是有限度的。 The task is too difficult for m


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