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商务英语专业 毕业论文写作辅导讲座 边查边分析边做笔记 如记录的是书籍:著者(编者/译者)姓名;书的全名;参阅的章节;版次;卷数/卷号;出版地/出版商/出版日期;资料所在页码。 如记录的是论文:作者姓名;文章标题;所载刊物名;卷号/期号;刊物出版日期;论文起止的页码 四、构思与拟订提纲 确定选题与论文题目之后,开始围绕论文的中心论点去构思。 写论文就是决定用哪些原始资料和如何使用这些原始资料去实现你的论文的写作目的。 拟订提纲是一种思考与构思,其过程是对所准备的论据进行分析整理。 拟订提纲可以增强论文的条理性和逻辑性,保证论文结构的完整性。 提纲可以在写作过程中作适当调整。 四、构思与拟订提纲 How to write a good outline 五、撰写初稿 开门见山,即在论文的引言部分很自然地提出论点。 合理安排论文引证的材料,直接引证不宜过多。 不要遗漏事先准备好引用的论据,引证必须标明出处。 重视引言和结语的撰写。 如何写引言 引言部分的作用是提出论文的中心论点或导入正题。 引言部分对于引起读者的兴趣至关重要,应写得引人入胜。 最主要的一点是让别人读后能明白你要写什么。 引言一般为1-2段,不宜过长。 撰写引言的几种基本方法 开门见山 (statement of thesis) 设问 (question) 引语(quotation) 回顾历史 (historical review) 回顾争论 (review of controversy) 从一般到具体 (from general to specific – proverbs) 从具体到一般(from the specific to the general – example) 如何写正文 Two types of research papers Analytic paper Argumentative Paper Analytical Paper 分析类;解析类 To use evidence to analyze different aspects of an issue. To analyze means to break a topic or concept down into its parts in order to inspect and understand it. In an analytical research paper, you do research to become an expert on a topic so that you can restructure and present the parts of the topic from your own perspective. Argumentative Paper 议论类 To use evidence to attempt to convince the reader of your particular stand (立场) on a debatable topic. To support generalizations or propositions with evidences and connect them in a logical manner, leading to a justified conclusion. You must sustain your argument by giving evidence and reasons Example For example, you could analyze the role of the mother in the ancient Egyptian society. You could break down that topic into its parts – the mothers duties in the family, social status, and expected role in the larger society – and research those parts in order to present your general perspective and conclusion about the mothers role. Example For example, you might try to find research to back up the stand that ancient Egyptian women were the first feminists. Notice that this is a very different focus


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