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全国2010年7月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题 课程代码:00795 I.语法、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母填在 答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.5 points) 1.She was invited to go to the ball but she did not even have ______ to go with her dress. A.a piece of jewelry B.piece of jewelry C.a jewelry D.one jewelry 2.Id like to have ______ with you sometime this week about your approaching exams. A.a word B.some word C.some words D.one word 3.What _______ honest man he is! A.a B. C.the D. an 4.Tomorrow it will be cloudy, with a few sunny ______ . A. intervals B.peods C.steps D.instance 5.The coach felt that he as responsible ______his teams total failure in the championships. A.at B.for C.in D.on 6._______to the dinner party, he went to a movie to kill time. A.Not to be invited B.Not having been invited C.Having not been invited D.Not having invited 7.In many parts of the world the only _______ water supply lies below the ground. A.continuous B.permanent C.instant D.constant 8.He is determined to get _______ of the profit than he had been offered. A.ten percent more B.ten more percent C.more ten percent D.as many as ten percent 9.The temple as built on a hillside, _______was a pleasant,winding valley. A.by which B.under which C.below which D.down which .I would have gone with you,but I _______too tired. A.as B.had been C.must be D.must have been 11.Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A.having been fined B.to have been fined C.to be fined D.being fined 12.We didnt know his telephone number;otherwise we _______ him A.would have telephoned B.must have telephoned C.would telephone D.had telephoned 13.That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _______ the police A.called in B.calling in C.call in D.to call in 14.They took _______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escapg. A.fruitful B.beneficial C.valid D.effective 15.Until


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