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10级第二学期口语测试题目 Topic One Sports Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? What sports do most young people go in for? What sports are suitable for young people? Why do people need to play sports? What do you know about the Olympic Games? Topic Two Weather Do you like the climate of the city where you live? Why or why not? How do you get weather information? Is weather forecasting important in modern life? Why or why not? Topic Three Food Where do you usually have meals? What do you think of the food there? What is your favorite drink? Explain why. Topic Four Music Do you like music? What type of music do you like best? Traditional Chinese music or Western music? Classical or popular? What role does music play in your life? What’s the value of music? Topic Five Leadership What factors does a company usually take into consideration when they want to choose a team leader? Do you think your can be a good leader? Explain your reasons. Topic Six Health What do you think we can do to keep fit? Topic Seven Fashion Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy? What do you think of those people who judge others by the clothes they wear? Topic Eight Famous People Can you name some famous people you know about? Who impress you most? Why? Generally speaking, what do people who become famous have in common? Topic Nine Computer and Internet Do you think you can study without using a computer? What do you use the computer for? How have computer and Internet changed your life? Topic Ten Human Virtues Can you name some good qualities that human beings possess? Why? What kinds of virtues are recognized by our society? Topic Eleven Environment What have we done to save the environment? Give one or two examples? What should every one of us do to protect our environment? What should we do to prepare for future natural disasters? II. Questions for Discussion Some people prefer to live a life in contact with real things and real people, but oth



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