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出国留学文书 班级:应用化学02班 姓名: 程宵霞 学号: 0906050204 成绩: Cheng,Xiaoxia E-mail:hizita@yahoo.cn Room218 building1,wuhan institute Cellphone:0086 of technology,jiangxia district,Wuhan, 430000,Hubei province,P.R.China Objective To gain admission to the California university Education Wuhan institute of technology ,wuhan,hubei,P.R.China 2009-2013 Department of Applied Chemistry Degree: Bachelor Major GPA: 3.6/4.0 Research Experience Analytical Chemistry Lab, Wuhan institute of technology Department of Applied Chemistry Project: Determination of phosphorus content Organic Chemistry Lab, Wuhan institute of technology Project: Synthesis of benzaldehyde Awords Get the third scholarship during the second year in the university Activities I have participated in the charity sale for the disabled people ;I also have participated in all kinds of class activities,such as modern drama .I used to take part in the voluntary blood donation. Personal Statement The day I came to our school as a new student was the day I made the decision to pursue a career pertaining to chemistry.Chemistry , in my mind ,is an interesting major. When I am doing every kinds of chemical experiments ,I find that if you can touch the nature of the substance ,you will feel excited,and if you can synthesize something useful,you will feel that nothing is impossible. Chemistry ,especially green chemistry, do great favor to the whole world. The purpose of chemistry was to ‘change the world, but only for the good Green chemistry.I think this is very important ,and it’s also what I want to pursue.I want to try my best to find green and easy ways to synthesize things. And I also intend to synthesize new things to contribute the world,to give a hand to the people. With the help of my teachers and my dear classmates , I am not only endowed with talent and indispensable academic atmosphere, but also inherited


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