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Sports Wear Goes into Fashion 时装化的运动服 Reporter Will they make me run faster? Thats a question often heard by a ten-year-old shopper for a new pair of shoes. The answer to that question unfortunately, is No. But the ten-billion-dollar athletic shoe industry is doing just fine even though it cant achieve all the aspirations of a ten-year-old.? The big brands(n. 品牌;烙印(brand的复数))in last few years have managed to create icons(n. 图标;偶像;肖像,画像;圣像 of style out of the athletic shoe. Adidas, for instance, has created something between street wear and high-end fashion.? 记者 “这些鞋能让我跑得更快吗?”一个10岁的孩子买鞋时经常会这样问。很不幸,对这个问题的回答是“不能”。虽然价值百亿美元的运动鞋业不能满足一个10岁孩子的所有渴望,但这一行业发展得还不错。在过去的几年里,几家著名的运动鞋品牌成功地从运动鞋中创造了时尚偶像。例如,阿迪达斯创造了介于休闲与高档时装之间的产品。 Reporter Meet the people behind one of Europes more unusual fashion houses. Stan Smith, Chuck Taylor and Air Jordan, some say these trainers are now transcending sport, and entering the realm(n. 领域,范围;王国) of pop art. They are such a part of culture now, they are those who revere(vt. 敬畏;尊敬;崇敬) certain products as icons. Okay, so this exhibition is taking place at a shoe store and not the Pompidou center. But athletic shoemakers are working to earn their design credentials(n. [管理] 证书;文凭;信任状(credential的复数) v. 得到信用;授以证书(credential的三单形式)). Instead of burly( adj. 结实的;率直的;粗鲁的) footballers, slender models are sporting Adidas trainers.? 记者 让我们认识一下创造了欧洲独特时尚品牌的人物吧。有人说,像斯丹·史密斯、查克·泰勒、飞人乔丹这些运动鞋已超越了运动领域,进入流行艺术的王国。“它们成为流行文化的一部分,被赶时髦的人视为时尚标志。”尽管,这次展览放在鞋店里举行,而不是在蓬皮杜中 心。但运动鞋制造商正努力使产品时尚化,苗条的模特取代了强壮的足球明星们来展示阿迪达斯运动鞋。 Adidas CEO Adidas is known as a great functional brand, always delivering the best functional sports products. On top of that, its no long enough just to have the basic colors and so on, things like that. Its really important for us also to deliver great designs, inspirational designs.? 阿迪达斯CEO “阿迪达斯是一个以运动功效强而著称的品牌,我们总能生产出最具运动功效的体育产品。但现在仅有这些已经远远不够了。拥有最优秀的、充满灵感的设计对我们来说才是最重要的。” Reporter To achieve that, Adidas has entered into partnership with Japanese designer Yoji Yama


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