
工程统计学 教学课件 作者 苗瑞 蒋祖华 1数据收集与分析.ppt

工程统计学 教学课件 作者 苗瑞 蒋祖华 1数据收集与分析.ppt

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苗瑞,miaorui@ 用高尔夫球距离数 据,绘制直方图 苗瑞,miaorui@ 苗瑞,miaorui@ 最常用的就是频数直方图和频数多边图(折线图)。 为了能够更直观地看出数据分布的规律及它们的分布状态,还需将频数分布用图形表示出来。 频数直方图 数据经过处理并列成频数分布表以后,比较清楚地看出 了数据的集中程度与离散趋势。 1. 试举企业实际问题中,哪些质量特征数是连续型数据,哪些数是离散型数据。 2. 从某电子厂的一批产品中随机抽取了10件,测得的数据量为: 640、639、636、641、642、638、639、643、636、639 试计算样本均值与样本标准差,极差,样本方差,样本离差。 3.从某厂生产的两种不同规格的车轴中,各随机抽取了20根,测得它们的直径的均值与标准差分别为 甲产品 乙产品 试问哪种产品的质量波动大? 课后作业 苗瑞,miaorui@ 4、试用Minitab软件,随机产生200个服从随机数,并绘制频率分布图。并Minitab软件计算产生的这些随机数的中位数,上四分点,下四分点,样本均值,样本方差,极差。 * Pf - Full productivity level 全生产率水平 * Business Intelligence has been around for years. It’s an increasing domain. According to one market research organization (), todays market for business intelligence and data warehousing is growing at an annual growth rate of more than 43 percent, and is expected to exceed $148 billion by 2003. Then what’s Business intelligence? Business intelligence (BI) transforms business data into conclusive, fact-based and actionable information. It allows companies to spot customer trends, create customer loyalty, enhance supplier relationships, reduce financial risk, and uncover new sales opportunities. In short, business intelligence is the path to gaining -- and maintaining -- your competitive advantage. BI can be described as a continuum with three types of users. The first level of BI is data access. Information system departments offer users simple report writing tools attached to databases. This empowers power users and technical users of the system to create reports for the rest of the users in company. The second level is where data is turned into information. Here IT or power users build some data definitions and data structures that make it easy for the others to create their own queries or reports. The third level is intelligence. This is wh


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