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、 .~ 我们‖打〈败〉了敌人。   ②我们‖〔把敌人〕打〈败〉了。 随着数字信号处理(DSP)芯片性能价格比和开发手段的不断提高,DSP芯片已经在社会生活各个领域得到广泛应用,除了通信、网络、雷达等领域外,近年来在电机控制、数码相机等领域也得到了不断的拓展。 TMS320F240DSP的基本工作原理及接口技术进行系统地、深入地学习,实现TMS320F240DSP对步进电机的控制。DSP芯片及它在电机控制方面的应用作了较为详尽的综述。随后给出了系统的总体设计方案,对其进行方案论证。重点就在硬件系统这部分,对TMS320F240芯片及其各功能模块作了详细介绍,以TMS320F240芯片为核心,进行了存储器、时钟电路、复位电路等电路的设计,以及TMS320F240的其它外围设计和串行通信设计。对系统的软件方面也作了简单的设计,设计应用程序的流程图。最后对全文做了全面的总结,展望了DSP的发展方向。 关键词:DSP,TMS320F240,步进电机,激光自动调谐系统 ABSTRACT With performance-cost ratio of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chip and developing measure constant improvement, DSP chip be used widely in each field, besides such fields as the communication , network , radar, etc. have got constant expansion in the fields of the motor charge, digital camera ,etc. in recent years. The design subject is “The design of the automatically tuning system for birefringent filter laser”, main task is that step-motor be controlled by DSP to achieve automatically tune of doped sapphire laser. The anticipate objective of the design is to achieve to control step-motor by TMS320F240 DSP . It is faster that the digital processing (DSP) chip contrasts the imitation handle chip in arithmetic speed, and the noise immunity is more powerful ,the stability is better. One of the digital processing (DSP) chips is The TMS320F240.The TMS320F240 is special to the project ,which is produced by the TI Corporation,therefore takes TMS320F240 as the core to join the peripheral device and easily complete the control function in the design. Since the foregoing strong point, it is should be choose the digital processing (DSP) chip in this design as the core chip to component charge system. Keyword: DSP; TMS320F240; Step-motor; Automatically tuning system for laser 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 可调谐激光技术发展状况 1 1.3 步进电机控制系统发展历史与现状 4 1.4 DSP芯片及其在电机控制方面的应用 6 1.4.1 DSP芯片的简介 6 1.4.2 DSP在电机控制方面的应用 7 1.5 课题内容和主要工作 10 第二章 方案论证 1 2.1 设计方案及电机的选取 1 2.1.1 系统设计的总体方案 1 2.1.2 步进电机及其驱动器的选择 1 2.2 控制方式的选择 3 2.3 控制器的选择 4 2.4 反馈装


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