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调查:决策力并非与生俱来《金融时报》 Good management is about nothing if not good decision making. Unfortunately, decisiveness has been seen as a character trait like courage: there are those who can pull the trigger – the great executives – and those who can’t – the armies of wafflers who are terrified of being forced to accept the consequences of their actions. 有效管理的精髓全在于优秀的决策机制。但不幸的是,决策力被看做是一种类似于勇气的性格特质。有些人就是能够果断扣动扳机——例如出色的经理人;而另一些人则做不到这一点——这帮犹豫不决的家伙们对于被迫接受自己行为的后果感到胆战心惊。 A new wave of social scientists, however, is upending this view by digging into the psychological and social factors that influence our decisions. By developing better processes, they hope to make decision making less like voodoo and more like carpentry. 然而,一些社会学家通过深入研究影响人们决策的心理和社会因素,正在颠覆上述看法。通过研究更好的决策机制,他们希望使决策不再像巫术那样神秘,而是像木匠活那样可被学习掌握。 Chip Heath, a professor at Stanford’s business school, and his brother Dan Heath, a fellow at Duke University’s Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship, have already written two excellent books of pop social science: Made to Stick and Switch . Their latest, Decisions: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work digs into the latest findings on decision making. 斯坦福大学(Stanford)商学院教授奇普?希思(Chip Heath)和杜克大学(Duke University)社会企业发展研究中心研究员丹?希思(Dan Heath)俩兄弟合著了两本出色的通俗社科书籍《让创意更有粘性》(Made to Stick)以及《瞬变》(Switch)。他们的最新著作《决策:如何在生活和工作中更好抉择》(Decisions: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work)深入探讨了决策领域的最新研究成果。 “Being decisive is itself a choice, ” they write. “Decisiveness is a way of behaving, not an inherited trait. It allows us to make brave and confident choices, not because we know we’ll be right but because it’s better to try and fail than to delay and regret.” 他们写道,“表现得坚决果断本身就是一种选择。决策力是一种行为方式,而不是一种遗传特征。它使我们能够做出勇敢而自信的选择,这不是因为我们知道自己一定正确,而是因为尝试并失败要好过拖延和后悔。” The Heaths identify four villains that obstruct good decision making: narrow framing, limiting the options we consider; the confirmation bias, our tendency to look for evidence which supports what we already think; short-te


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