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A coordinated reverse logistics system for regional management of multi-source hazardous wastes 多品种危险品回收处理的区域协调运作模式 This paper presents a coordinated reverse logistics (CRL) management system for the treatment of multi-source hazardous wastes in a given region, in this case, a specific high-technology manufacturing zone. A linear multi-objective analytical model is formulated that systematically minimizes both the total reverse logistics operating costs and corresponding risks. In addition to inter-organizational logistics operating factors, environmental concerns are considered and formulated as corresponding risk-related constraints. Using the proposed model, results of numerical studies indicate that when the aspect of risk-induced penalties is not considered, the operational costs of regional hazardous-waste management can be efficiently reduced by 58%, compared to the existing operational costs at the study site. In addition, it is also observed that the corresponding weight associated with the risk-induced objective function embedded in the proposed model seems to have a significant effect on the CRL costs. Analyzing alternatives in reverse logistics for end-of-life computers: ANP and balanced scorecard approach 废旧计算机回收方法 Activities in reverse logistics activities are extensively practiced by computer hardware industries. One of the important problems faced by the top management in the computer hardware industries is the evaluation of various alternatives for end-of-life (EOL) computers. Analytic network process (ANP) based decision model presented in this paper structures the problem related to options in reverse logistics for EOL computers in a hierarchical form and links the determinants, dimensions, and enablers of the reverse logistics with alternatives available to the decision maker. In the proposed model, the dimensions of reverse logistics for the EOL computers have been taken from four perspectives derived from balanced scorecard approach, viz. cus


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