安全工程专业英语 教学课件 作者 司鹄 UNIT SIXTEEN.pptVIP

安全工程专业英语 教学课件 作者 司鹄 UNIT SIXTEEN.ppt

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UNIT SIXTEEN THE HISTORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SAFETY 句子分析 The primary set was not used for safety at all, it was designed for fine control of the nuclear chain reaction. While there is a broad difference between nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants, a great deal of nuclear theory was generated for the war effort. Given that the normal licensing review time took nearly a year to complete, a backlog grew and further delays followed. When the implications of the Semiscale experiments reached the public, complaints about the AEC's handling of the issue ranged from polite criticism to calls for a licensing moratorium and a shutdown of the eleven plants then operating. 安全术语 公共安全 应急救援 操作事故 风险控制 安全机制 安全措施 科技英语结论书写要点 语法要点 * * Attached to one end of the emergency rod was a rope running through the pile and weighted heavily on the opposite end. During testing, this rod was withdrawn from the pile and tied down by another rope. Despite the news stories of renegade scientists breaching ethical standards in the name of science, some safety issues were on the minds of the government that was supporting this new discover. For reactors approved for research, the maximum credible accident would likely follow the careless addition of reactivity to the core resulting in a reactor excursion that would result in a intense pulse of radiation that would threaten reactor staff and followed by release of radionuclides to the atmosphere, threatening local population. 结论常用句型 * * *


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