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摘要 图书馆信息化建设是一个复杂的系统工程。一般而言,图书馆信息化解决方案应包括以下几个方面:网络环境、硬件设备、软件系统平台、数据库、数据库资源、图书馆自动化系统、体系结构、标准化。在此主要谈谈与本系统相关的三个方面,即网络环境、软件系统平台、数据库。 网络环境:现代数字图书馆本质上是基于网络环境下的海量数据库及其应用。网络操作系统为当前的主流操作系统,如窗口2000/XP,Unix或Linux等。网络环境以因特网为基础进行设计,网络功能要强大,能支持多种网络协议,如TCP/IP、ISO10161等。 软件系统平台:完整的图书馆信息化解决方案软件系统平台包括制作系统、发布系统、应用平台等。制作系统实现将原始资料数字化,发布系统是将制作系统数字化后的数据发布到数字图书馆之中,供用户和读者使用。应用平台对于用户和读者来说是进入数字图书馆的一个入口,为用户和读者提供了使用界面。检索系统是数字图书馆系统必不可少的核心部分,数字图书馆的易用性很大程度上通过检索系统得以体现。 数据库:数据库是几乎所有信息系统的核心,图书馆管理系统作为一个典型的信息系统当然也不例外。 关键词:结构查询语言,结构查询语言数据库服务器,客户机/服务器 Abstract Library information-constrcution is such a complexed system engineering. As for as we know, the means to solve the problem of library information-construction are shown below: Net convince, Hardware convince, software convince, Database, Data source, Library-Automation, structual system, standardize and so on. so now, I will introduce something about my system,namely, Net convince, software platform, Database. Net comvince: Actually,modern digital library is the application of power database which is based on netware.Operation system online is popular in world, just like:windows 2000XP, Unix or Linux. Netware is designed with Internet as basic is powerful and provides many kinds of Net rules, just like TCP/IP and I so 10161, software system platform:a complete system platform solve library information construction should include operation system,declaiming system, application system.Oporation system makes the sources in to resource digital. Delaming mabes the disital resource public to the opon world and usable to evey boy in all over the world. Application platform is an on trance for readers to entor the library. Datebase:Datebase is the core to all the information system and library manage ment system is a typical information system. so, database is important to a library system. Keywords: Structual Query Language, Structual Query Language Server, Client/ Server 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 论绪 1 1.1 简叙图书馆管理系统 1 1.2 数据库设计理论 3 1.3 系统开发所用工具和技术介绍 11 2 需


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