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题 目
年 月
摘要整合营销传播是协调企业内外部资源和多元化传播渠道向消费者传递一致信息的营销策略。营销策略的立足点是将整合营销传播策略应用于互联网企业的营销活动中并根据互联网的特性制定出适宜的营销传播战略“上帝”。 经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的最重要趋势,现代化大生产本身的客观规律必然要求实现全球化分工。在知识经济时代,企业的营销观念也要相应转变,即树立知识营销观念。它高度重视知识、信息和智力,凭知识和智力而不是凭经验在日益激烈的市场营销战中取胜。
AbstractThe conformity marketing dissemination is coordinates the enterprise internal and external resources and the multiplex dissemination channel transmits the common message to the consumer the marketing strategy.The marketing strategy standpoint is applies the conformity marketing dissemination strategy in the Internet enterprises marketing activity, and formulates the suitable marketing dissemination strategy according to the Internet characteristic.The 20th century market marketing ideas emphasized the core is the customer works as “God”. The economical globalization is the world economics development most important tendency, the modernization greatly produces itself objective law to request the realization globalization division of labor inevitably now.In the knowledge economy time, enterprises marketing idea also must transform correspondingly, namely setting up knowledge marketing idea.It takes the knowledge, the information and the intelligence highly, but is not fights day by day depending on the knowledge and the intelligence depending on the experience in the intense market marketing wins.
Key word: Network conformity marketing; Implementation strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 I
1 网络整合营销来源 1
1.1 网络整合营销概念 1
1.2 网络整合营销的核心思想 1
1.3 整合营销战略:21 世纪的营销革命 2
2 网络整合营销的新趋势 5
2.1网络整合营销对企业的趋势 5
2.2、在互联网上实施整合营销传播所存在的劣势和优势 6
2.2.1存在的主要劣势 6
2.2.2网上市场调查 6
2.2.3 网上消费者行为分析 6
2.2.4 网上产品和服务策略 6
2.3 观念创新 6
2.4 市场创新 7
2.5 产品创新 9
2.6 方法创新 9
2.7 人才创新 10
3 网络整合营销的发展及其适用性 11
3.1网络整合营销更好的应用 11
3.2 21世纪网络下整合营销的发展趋势 13
3.3建立了先进的服务理念,保持信息服务的持续发展 13
3.4使信息服务更具主动性和目的性 14
3.5更加体现了“以人为本”的人性化原则 14
3.6有利于信息服务机构进行品牌建设 15
结 论 17
致 谢 18