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Magnetism and gravity 1 磁和重力1 [0300] The world of science has chosen to ignore the reality of the connection and interaction between gravity and magnetism due to lack of data and technology. 由于数据和技术的缺乏,科学界已经选择忽视地心引力和磁性之间关联和交互作用的事实。 [0301] Lack of full comprehension of science regarding the creation, the existence, the control, maintaining and utili-sation of these two most powerful forces in the universe, has run the world of science in to problems as in handling thesetwo forces of creation as one. 缺乏对这两种宇宙最为强大力量的产生、存在、控制、维持的全面的科学理解,科学界在处理这两种力由一而生时遭遇困难。 [0302] This has been purely due to the physical time gape between the discovery and understanding of these two forces of creation. 这纯粹归因于对这两种力的发源的探索和理解的时代鸿沟。 [0303] Probably if scientist would have discovered the two magnetic forces and the gravitational forces at the same time, then they would have had totally different understanding of their principals, their capabilities and their connections. 或许假如科学家当初同时发现这磁力和重力,那么他们就会有对它们的主要原理、性能、联系的完全不同理解。 [0304] Most probably the human race would have taken a different course in its intellectual and scientific world too. 最或许人类会在它的智力和科学领域竞赛中会有不同的选择。 [0305] At the time when Newton discovered the gravity the correlation between these two phenomenons and forces have never been established properly. 在牛顿发现万有引力的时代,这两种力的关联从来没有严格的证实过。 [0306] This is why the scientists did not handle them, as to be created by one source, and they considered them as being created and maintained by two different sources and forces. Where, both forces need each other for their creation and survivals, as they are made from the same elements and they are the same forces appearing in two different side of the same matter. 这是为什么科学家没有把它们归于一个发源的原因,他们把它们的产生和维持视为来自于二个不同的来源和力量。其实,两者产生和维持是彼此需要的,因为他们是同一物质的相同元素和同种力量的两种不同表现。 [0307] The true relationship between these two forces needs to be explained that the reality about the two important physical forces of nature in the correct manner can be established. 两种力量的真实关系需要以


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