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杜甫研究学刊二o o 四年第三期 总第81期 , ) ) ) 杜诗在唐五代接受情况的统计分析 杨经华 12 对杜甫成就和地位的认定, 不仅是对唐朝文学 绩的肯定, 也是中国传统 文人诗歌理想的真正确立现在, 没有人再质疑杜甫的历史地位, 但是杜甫诗圣地位的 真正确立却是经历了一个漫长的历史过程在其死后经历了两百多年的沉寂和遗忘之 后, 杜诗的接受才在宋代获得命运的转机在唐五代, 杜诗版本散佚严重, 几近失 传; 时人选本又多不载杜诗, 杜甫及其诗歌在当时的接受情况陷入低谷 12 杜诗 唐五代 接受情况 统计分析 Abstract : Valuing the literary achievement and status of Du Fu not only mean the affirmation to lit- erary of T. ang, but also mark the establishment of traditional poet ideal of poetry. Though nobody doubt Du Fu. s historical status any longer today, the title of poet- sage is entitled not in one night, but hundreds of years. xperienced two hundred years treatment coldly after he dead, the poetry of Du Fu is accepted widely and reach his high time. In T. ang and Five dynasty, the edi- tion of the poetry of Du Fu was lost badly and neared to extinguish mostly; what. s more, the con- temporary selected works didn. t consist of Du Fu. s poem, thus, the situation of acceptation to the poetry of Du Fu fall into low ebb. Key words: the poetry of Du Fu; Tang dynasty and Five Dynasties; the situation of accepta- tion; The statistical analysis. , 12 杨经华, 广西大学中文系研究生 530004 51 , 56 56 , , : , 56 5 , 6 , , , , ; , 56 , , , 56 56 , , , ; , 56 : : / 56:


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