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网页制作需求 首页 公司新闻 (要求滚动) News: 祝贺公司成立,顺利开业 Celebration for the founding of our company 祝贺公司网站开通 Congratulating our web site is in operation 公司创办人背景介绍 Instruction of the founders’ background 公司开业初期的优惠措施 Favorable method for our customers during the first period of our company 最新法律法规(要求滚动) The hottest news for laws and regulations 可以编辑输入 经营范围 Service scope 中小企业财务外包服务(包括代理记账、财务人才派遣、财务内部管理咨询、人员培训、财税法规信息服务等);企业及个人所得税纳税申报;企业重组、并购、对外投资等管理咨询服务;代办公司注册、工商年检;企业管理软件销售、服务代理等。 1、Financial outsourcing for medium and small enterprises (account keeping、financial talents assignment, financial consulting, training, laws and regulations consulting etc.) 2、Tax declaration and registration Declaration and registration of the tax for companies and individual to the tax bureau 3、Managerment consulting services Enterprise restructuring、purchasing、investment and other consulting field 4、New company registration and license annually checked Deputizing customer to register new company and complete the annually license checked by government 5、Managerment software sales、services agent Managerment software such as invoice、voucher、supply chain software,etc Motto of our company “发展自身、服务社会” “Developing Ourselves and Severing the Society” (5)公司页面 A首页home B 关于我们 about us C业务范围 service scope D业务报价 quotation E典型客户 typical customer F公司大事记 event G联系我们 contact us H合作伙伴 cooperation 公司LOGO及公司名称、电子营业执照 LOGO:见下图 中文名:上海申越财务咨询有限公司 英文名:SHANGHAI EXCEED FINANCIAL CONSULTING CO., LTD 网站: 友情链接 上海财税网: 复旦大学MPAcc论坛: 复旦大学管理学院: 二、关于我们(公司介绍) 上海咨询有限公司是由financial service for small and medium companies, which has a strong administrative staff with rich working experience in big state owned enterprises, domestic public companies, foreign certificated public accountant offices and foreign invested companies. By the strong teaching capacity of administration Institute of FUDA University, SH-EFC is aiming to provide excellent accounting service for small and medium-sized enterprises, and accounting instructions for col


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