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2009 7 15 13 M edic lR ec pitul te, Jul 2009, Vol. 15, No. 13 # 200 1# 赵学静() , 李永强( ) (, 300222) : R714. 7 : A : 1006-2084 ( 2009) 13-2001-02 : 孕妇适度运动, 可使肌肉力量保持良好, 妊娠和分娩更轻松, 胎儿心率无明显 变; 还可提 高自然分娩率, 降低剖宫产率, 更有利于产后恢复依据 个人的身体状况, 选择不同的运动方式, 对 , , 孕妇有益无害, 也不会给胎儿带来危害 : 运动; 孕妇; 胎儿心率 , E xercise D urin g Pregnan cy: M a tern al and Fetal R espon ses ZHAO X ue-j ing, LI Yong-qiang. (Depart- , ment of Obstetrics and ynaecology, the 4thH osp ital of Tianj in, Tianj in 300222, China) , Ab stract: By doing exercises moder tely, pregn ntw om en c n keep m uscles in good condition nd e se [ 6 ] the discom fort during both pregn ncy nd delivery. In ddition, th e he rt r tes of the fetus rem ins norm l re- g rdless the exercises th t h ve b een p erform ed. Moreover, exercises c n in cre se the possib ility ofn tur lde- livery nd it c n decre se the r te of ces re n section. W h ich is f vor ble for the post-p rtum recovery. The- , types of exercises re subject to ch nge due to the v ri bility of he lth condition s of e ch indiv idu ls. H ow ev- , er, one is h ighly recomm ended to consult profession l of obstetrics nd gyn ecology b efore doing ny k ind of exercise. Thu s, prop er m ount of exercises c n benefit the expect ntm other, wh ile do no h rm to the fetu s. , K ey word s: Exercises; Pregn ntw om en; H e rt r tes of fetus , , , , , 1. 3 , , , , , , , , 3 h, [ 7] , 1


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