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中国人民大学博士生(非英语专业)入学考试英语考试示例 Part I Vocabulary (20 points) Directions: For each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best completing the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. When I heard that Mrs. Thacher resigned, I called her. I wanted her to know that my heart was _____ her. A. for B. of C. in D. with 2. Gentleness has been considered a _____ trait. A. boyish B. delicate C. feminine D. male 3. We know that this is ture, but _____ we recognize this truth only in our backward glance. A. all too often B. too often C. all too late D. too late 4. The retiring professor was _____ by his colleague. A. criticized B. exalted C. driven out D. examined 5. He is honest. His actions are always _____ his words. A. contradictory to B. contradicted by C. agreed with D. consistent with 6. Life is never just _____. A. living B. being C. existing D. going 7. The lady _____ her skirt by sit on the seat while flying. A. disordered B. disarranged C. creased D. crashed 8. You must always be ready to sacrifice _____ to duty. A. inclination B. tendency C. interest D. career 9. In many countries now, smoking is not _____ in public places. A. permissive B. permissible C. permutable D. pernicious 10.His pleasant ways _____ me into thinking that he was my good friend. A. deprived B. despised C. diverted D. beguiled 11._____ animals must be kept in cages in case they might hurt the tourists. A. Land B. Domestic C. Vicious D. Farm 12. Almost overnight, Ames became a hero of environmentalists when his finding led to new ____ and bans on certain chemicals. A. regulations B. authorities C. orders D. suggestions 13.The ____ noise whistle



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