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粘土矿物在水中的聚集特征和方式 1.1 Origin of Clay Minerals “The contact of rocks and water produces clays, either at or near the surface of the earth” (from Velde, 1995). Rock +Water ? Clay For example, The CO2 gas can dissolve in water and form carbonic acid, which will become hydrogen ions H+ and bicarbonate ions, and make water slightly acidic. CO2+H2O ? H2CO3 ?H+ +HCO3- The acidic water will react with the rock surfaces and tend to dissolve the K ion and silica from the feldspar(长石). Finally, the feldspar is transformed into kaolinite. Feldspar + hydrogen ions+water ? clay (kaolinite) + cations, dissolved silica 2KAlSi3O8+2H+ +H2O ? Al2Si2O5(OH)4 + 2K+ +4SiO2 Note that the hydrogen ion displaces the cations. 1.2 Basic Unit-Silica Tetrahedra Minerals-Kaolinite Montmorillonite Minerals-Illite (mica-like minerals) Minerals-Vermiculite (micalike minerals) 溶液中粘土表面的双电层 电解质压缩双电层作用 粘土颗粒运动中因丢掉扩散层中的反离子而显示出一定的电势,称为电动电势(ζ电位) ,其数值取决于吸附层内反离子总电荷。电解质对电动电势影响较大,溶液中阳离子浓度越高,进入吸附层的阳离子数量多, ζ电位降低,当反离子全部进入吸附层时,这种现象称为电解质压缩双电层。 聚集方式 * 1 Si 4 O Hexagonal hole (Si2O10)-4 Replace four Oxygen with hydroxyls or combine with positive union Tetrahedron Plural: Tetrahedra Different cations Gibbsite sheet: Al3+ Al2(OH)6, 2/3 cationic spaces are filled One OH is surrounded by 2 Al: Dioctahedral sheet 1 Cation 6 O or OH Brucite sheet: Mg2+ Mg3(OH)6, all cationic spaces are filled One OH is surrounded by 3 Mg: Trioctahedral sheet Basal spacing is 7.2 ? Si4Al4O10(OH)8. Platy shape The bonding between layers are van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds (strong bonding). There is no interlayer swelling Width: 0.1~ 4?m, Thickness: 0.05~2 ?m 17 ?m Trovey, 1971 ( from Mitchell, 1993) Si8Al4O20(OH)4·nH2O (Theoretical unsubstituted). Film-like shape. There is extensive isomorphous substitution for silicon and aluminum by other cations, which results in charge deficiencies of clay particles. n·H2O and cations exist between unit layers, and the basal spacing is from 9.6 ? to ? (after swelling). The interlayer bo


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