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Programme name Software Engineering Award BSc (Hons) School School of Informatics Department or equivalent School of Informatics UCAS Code G700 Programme code USSEPA Type of study Full Time, Professional Pathway Total UK credits 360 Total ECTS 180
The programme consists of three parts of 20 credits each. Part 1 is compulsory foundational material.
Part 2 consists of seven compulsory modules, including a 30-credit project. Students on this programme may elect to take an industrial placement between Part 2 and Part 3. Part 3 consists of five elective modules, allowing specialisation at advanced level, and one 45-credit individual project, which is examined by dissertation, or alternatively seven elective modules, and one 15 - credit individual project module, which is examined by dissertation.
Students on this programme may also undertake the Professional Pathway scheme, with entry points at Parts 2 and 3, if they:
- do well in their studies in the Part preceding PP entry (usually upwards of 55% average);
- are successful in an interview with the PP tutor who assesses their ability to cope with the demands of balancing employment and study;
- secure an approved IT placement that allows one-day-a-week attendance at City.
A placement year may precede entry to the Part 3 Entry variant of the Professional Pathway
Exit from the PP shall occur when:
- the student wishes to return to normal study;
- the student fails to pass the assessment for the approved placement for that year on PP and must return to normal study;
- the student is otherwise required to withdraw from the degree.
Return to normal study will require the student to pass all of modules for the Part they are in, before resuming the following Part. If a student has credit for the later Part, then this credit will be counted and not need to be retaken. The student must complete all outstanding modules at the earliest opportunity.
Mode of delivery a
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