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1、 What are basic components of computer security ? try to give the connotation of each item in your list. Ans: Confidentiality: Keeping data and resources hidden. Integrity : refers to the trustworthiness of data or resources, and it is usually phrased in terms of preventing improper or unauthorized change. Integrity includes data integrity and origin integrity. Availability: refers to the ability to use the information or resource desired,enabling access to data and resources. 2、What are security policy and security mechanism ? Ans: A security policy is a statement of what is, and what is not, allowed. A security mechanism is a method, tool, or procedure for enforcing a security policy. What are differences between MAC and DAC ? Ppt上是What are MAC and DAC Ans:MAC: identity is irrelevant. system mechanism controls access to object, and individual cannot alter that access DAC: is based on user identity. individual user sets access control mechanism to allow or deny access to an object 4、Consider a computer system with three users: Alice, Bob and Cyndy. Alice owns the file alicerc , and Bob and Cyndy can read it .Cyndy can read and write Bob’s file bobrc , but Alice can only read it. Only Cyndy can read and write her file cyndyrc. Assume that the owner of each of these files can execute it. create the corresponding access control matrix. Cyndy gives Alice permission to read cyndyrc. And Alice removes Bob’s ability to read alicerc. Show the new access control matrix. (必考) Ans: (Read、write、Owns、execute) 5、C?sar cipher Vigènere Cipher DES (必考) Ans: the Caesar cipher is a classical cipher. Sender, receiver share common key Keys may be the same, or trivial to derive from one another Two basic types :Transposition ciphers and Substitution ciphers 。problem:Key is too short (Transposition ciphers : Plaintext is HELLO WORLD Rearrange as HLOOL ELWRD Ciphertext is HLOOL ELWRD Substitution ciphers:Plaintext is HELLO WORLD Change each letter to the third letter foll


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