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2015年镇海中学模拟考试 自选模块测试试题 本卷共18题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟 注意事项: 1.将选定的题号按规定要求写在答题卡的题号内; 2.考生可任选6题作答,所答试题应与题号一致;多答视作无效。 语 文 题号:01 科目 语文 “《论语》选读”模块(10分) 阅读下列的材料,完成下列的题目。 材料一:或曰:“以德报怨,何如?”子曰:“何以报德?以直报怨,以德报德。” 材料二:子贡问曰:“乡人皆好之,何如?”子曰:“未可也。” “乡人皆恶之,何如?”子曰:“未可也。不如乡人之善者好之,其不善者恶之。” 材料三:近日,舒城县初三女生小何骑电动车上学,见一老太摔倒,忙上前搀扶,不料老人一口咬定小何撞了她,交警反复勘查,终还小何清白。老人伤愈出院,小何不计前嫌,带着家人向这位困难老人捐款千元,在当地传为佳话。 1.上述一二两则材料体现了孔子怎样的处事原则?谈谈你对这种处事原则的认识。[来源:Zxxk.Com]题号:03 “复数与导数”模块(10分) (1)若复数与其共轭复数满足则_______;(2).函数的图象总在函数的图象上方,求实数的取值集合. 题号:04 “计数原理与概率”模块(10分) (1)已知的展开式中常数项为240,的展开式中项的系数为________(2).2015年5月12日12点50分,尼泊尔地震,世界各国纷纷参与到尼泊尔的抗震救灾中。现要从7名中国籍搜救队队员,4名非中国籍搜救队队员中选5名组成一支特殊搜救队到某地执行任务,求这5名队员中至少有2名非中国籍队员的概率(请用分数作答)。题号:05 科目英语 was not until the 20th century that Great Britain became the first urban society in history – a society in which the majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living. Britain was only the beginning. ____②____ The process of urbanization — the migration of people from the countryside to the city — was the result of modernization, which has rapidly transformed how people live and where they live. In 1990, fewer than 40% of Americans lived in urban areas. Today, over 82% of Americans live in cities. Only about 2% live on farms. The rest live in small towns. Large cities were impossible until agriculture became industrialized. Even in advanced agricultural societies, it took about ninety-five people on farms to feed five people in cities. ____③____ Until modern times, those living in cities were mainly the ruling elite (精英) and the servants, laborers and professionals who served them. Cities survived by taxing farmers and were limited in size by the amount of surplus food that the rural population produced and by the ability to move this surplus from farm to city. Over the past two centuries, the Industrial Revolution has broken this balance between the city and the country. ____④____ Today, instead of needing ninety-five farmers to feed five city people, one American farmer is ab


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