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《交直流调速系统》课程设计说明书 十机架连轧机分部传动直流调速系统 院 、 部: 电气与信息工程学院 学生姓名: 指导教师: 职称 教授 专 业: 自动化 班 级: 自本1104 完成时间: 2012.12.3 摘 要 直流调速系统具有调速范围广、精度高、动态性能好和易于控制等优点,所以在电气传动中获得了广泛应用。直流电动机具有良好的起、制动性能,宜于在大范围内平滑调速,并且直流调速系统在理论和实践上都比较成熟,是研究其它调速系统的基础。 该设计采用直流双闭环调速系统。既能够实现系统的稳定运行和无差调速,又能够限制电机的最大启动电流。 设计电路采用三相整流电路,通过转速调节器、电流调节器控制晶闸管的触发电压来实现直流电机的运行。 该设计的目的是通过学习交直流调速系统以及查阅资料,将学习到的知识巩固并加以应用。在设计的过程中,不断的学习,思考和同学间的相互讨论,解决遇到的困难。为今后能在相应的岗位上打下基础。 关键字:直流调速系统;无差调速;三相整流电路;转速调节器 ABSTRACT DC speed control system has a wide speed range, high accuracy, good dynamic performance and easy control, so to get a wide range of applications in the electric drive. DC motor has a good starting and braking performance, it is appropriate in a wide range of smooth speed and DC speed control system on the theory and practice are relatively mature, the research foundation other speed control system. The design uses a DC double loop speed control system. Both to achieve stable operation of the system, and no difference in speed, but also to limit the maximum starting current of the motor. Design circuit using a three-phase rectifier circuit, by the speed regulator, current regulator control SCR trigger voltage DC motor to achieve the run. The purpose of this design is that by learning AC and DC speed control system as well as access to information, will learn to consolidate and apply knowledge. In the design process, continuous learning, thinking and interactive discussion between the students, to resolve the difficulties encountered. Can lay the foundation for the future in the corresponding positions. Key words DC speed control system; no difference in speed; phase rectifier circuit; speed regulator 目 录 1 系统方案选择和整体结构设计 1 1.1 调速方案的选择 1 1.2 电动机供电方案的选择 1 1.3 调速系统方案的选择 2 1.4 整体结构设计 3 2 主电路设计与参数计算 4 2.1 整流变压器的设计 4 2.2 一次、二次相电流I1、I2的计算 5 2.3 变压器容量的计算 5 2.4 晶闸管元件的选择 5 2.4.1 晶闸管的额定电流 6 2.4.2 晶闸管的额定电压 6 2.5 晶闸管



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