四年级下册Unit 4 When do you have class?第二课时教学设计.doc

四年级下册Unit 4 When do you have class?第二课时教学设计.doc

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四年级下册Unit 4 When do you have class?第二课时教学设计.doc

四年级下册Unit 4 When do you have class?第二课时教学设计 执教者:鸿图苑小学 伍贤菊 课题 Unit 4 When do you have class?(period 2) 教 学 目 标 知识目标 1. Learn the new words:day , well , run ,go running , swim , go swimming 2.句型:____What time do you usually have…? When do you…? ____I usually…at … \I usually…from …to… 能力目标 能用句型介绍自己在不同时间段所做的事情。 情感目标 通过学习,培养学生良好的生活作息习惯 教材分析 教学重点 本课的新单词和重点句型1.day , well , run ,go running , swim , go swimming 2.句型:___What time do you usually have…? When do you…? ___I usually…at … \I usually…from …to… 教学难点 重点句型的使用和表达___What time do you usually have…? When do you…? ___I usually…at … \I usually…from …to… 教学准备 教学图片,PPT课件,多媒体教学软件和设备 教 学 过 程 I. Warming up 1.Greeting 2. Sing a song What’s the time ? II. Presentation and Practice 1. Read and spell some new words of unit 4.(usually, take exercise, from to , breakfast ,at ,)(意图:让学生回顾上节课所学的单词和句型,为对话的学习做铺垫。) 2.Practice the drills: What time/When do you….?(PPT展示一些活动的图片,师生问答---生生问答为对话的学习做铺垫。) 3.Talk about the picture of the dialogue (引入对话学习,通过谈论图片引导学生获取对话的背景和大意) 4. Listen to the dialogue and let the pupil fill in the form.(让学生整体理解对话,用填表格的方式检查学生对对话的理解) 5. Open the book and read the dialogue after the tape and learn the new words( well , day , run go running , swim , go swimming)(让学生尽量模仿录音的语音语调,并在句中理解学习新单词,学生更容易理解和记忆。) 6. Play a game (反应大考验)(用游戏的方式调节学生的注意力和积极性) 7. Read the dialogue after the teacher _____ read in role ______read by themselves. (通过不同的方式读对话,加深学生对对话的上口、理解和记忆) 8. Try to recite the dialogue by looking the keywords.(用补全对话练习的方式以检查和帮助学生记忆对话) 9.Try to find out the mistake and correct the sentences(让学生找出句子的错误并改正,借此机会加强学生对at 、from …to … 、go running go swimming 等词语的运用。) III. Development 1. Talk about the daily routine (从Ben的daily routine引申师生谈论---生生谈论,进一步巩固运用) A: I usually…at B: What’s time/When….? 2. Fill in the form and then write down the daily routine.(让学生按自己的实际填写自己时间表,并写下来,为以后的写作做铺垫) 3.check up 3. Learn some famous words.(进


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