省武威第十一中学七年级英语下册《Unit 9 How does he look like(第1课时)》教案 (新版)人教新目标版.docVIP

省武威第十一中学七年级英语下册《Unit 9 How does he look like(第1课时)》教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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省武威第十一中学七年级英语下册《Unit 9 How does he look like(第1课时)》教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

Unit 9 How does he look like? Analysis of the Teaching Material 【Curriculum requirements】 本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外貌形象。教材围绕着描述人的外貌特点展开,让学生学会谈论人的身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特点。 Analysis of the Teaching Material: 本部分通过询问what does he look like? 来学习描述人的外贸的词汇,并且通过听力的内容进一步学习描述人的外貌的词汇和what引导的特殊疑问句。 Teaching Aims and Demands Knowledge Objects Key words: hair , straight , tall , height ,thin , heavy, build , like, always, captain , team , popular , bit , joke , never , stop Key phrases: look like , medium build , a little bit , stop doing sth , the caption of . Sentence structures: ----What does he look like ? ----He is tall .\He has curly hair Ability Objects 学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答。 Moral Objects 学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊。 Teaching Key Points And Teaching Difficult Points Teaching Key Points Key words, Key phrases and Sentence structures Teaching Difficult Points 学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答。 Teaching aids Blackboard, textbooks, tape player. Design of period Period 1 Section A 1a-1c Teaching Procedures Teacher-student Interaction Revise Step I Preview Learn the new words and phrases. Step Ⅱ1a Ask Ss to read the picture. Read the phrases next to the picture. Ask Ss try to describe the people in the picture using the phrases . Step Ⅲ1b Read the instructures to the class. Play the tape for the first time. Ss only listen. Play the tape again, Ss listen and fill in the blanks in the picture. Play the tape a third time, Ss listen and find out Amy’s friend. Step Ⅳ1c Read the instructures to the class. Ask Ss to role play the conversation in pairs. Devide the Ss in to groups to make their own conversations according to the picture. Step V 练习 1. 翻译下列短语. (1)看起来像____________ (2)中等体格____________ (3)有点儿____________ (4 )卷发---------- (5)直发------------ 2. 根据句意,补全已给的首字母的单词 (1)Today Mary looks beautiful. She has red and s______ hair. (2)I keep doing exercise, so I’m becoming a little bit t______ (3)Lin Tao has b______ hair. (4)--Can you describe the most p______ singer, Zhou Jielun



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