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摘要 母线是发电厂和变电所电能输送设备的重要组成部分, 主要用于联结大容量发电机的主出线和主变的低压侧,传递几千安培的大电流。如果母线发生故障,将造成发电厂和变电所停电,从而对电力系统的安全运行带来严重危害,因此,对母线可靠性的设计提出了很高的要求。 本文主要介绍了母线的结构特征及分类,母线的温度场分析,并在此基础上选择了母线的冷却方式及防冷凝方案。 我国在高垂直段母线方面的技术还比较落后,但对很多情况下需要设计研究高垂直布置母线。本文对秦山核电站的母线作了75米垂直布置分析研究。主要利用传热学原理对其温度场进行了分析,并用VC++语言对其进行了编程计算,得出了垂直布置母线的温度分布规律。依据该规律工程技术人员可以设计出经济可靠的母线系统,保证母线在允许的温度范围内工作。 关键词:离相封闭母线;垂直安装;温度场分析 全套CAD图纸等,联系153893706 Abstract Bus bar is the importance part of power station and electric changing station,used for primarily the lord of the big capacity generator out export and the low-pressure side of electric transformer, delivering several thousand electric current. The power will be cut off if the occurrence breaks down, that brings the serious bane to the safe movementing of the electric power system. Therefore, it is very high request to the dependablly designing of bus bar. The construction and classifications of bus was described in the text. Analysising and investigating the temperature of bus bars is the main part of the text. How to choose cool way to enclose bus and defending congealed also was introduced. Our country’s study on vertical enclosed bus bars is laggard, but it is large needing of high vertical enclosed bus bars. The height of the Qinshan nuclear station’s vertical enclosed bus bars is one seventy-five meters. The text analysis and investigate the temperature of vertical bus bars, and calculation the value by VC++. The analysis of temperature is help for engineers and workers. According to the regulation,engineers can design a more economy and dependable bus system, also, the workers at spot can check the system in the allow scope temperature. Key words: enclosed bus of separated phase; vertical installation; analysis and investigate the temperature of bus bars 目录 前言 1 1 母线及其分类 3 1.1 母线结构的演变和大电流母线的技术特点 3 1.1.1 母线的结构 3 1.1.2 大电流母线的技术特点 4 1.2 母线的类型和应用 4 1.2.1 敞露母线 4 1.2.2 离相封闭母线 5 2 母线的传热原理 7 2.1 对流换热概说 8 2.1.1 自然对流和强制对流 8 2.1.2 层流与紊流 8 2.2 自然对流换热 9 2.2.1 自然对流换热的机理 9 2.2.2 大空间自然对流换


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