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驱动桥壳疲劳试验机控制部分设计 摘要 汽车的驱动桥位于传动系的末端,其基本作用是增大由传动轴或直接由变速器传来的转矩,将转矩分配给左、右驱动车轮,驱动汽车行驶。驱动桥质量的好坏直接影响到汽车总体质量,而驱动桥壳质量在驱动桥总成质量中占据重要地位。因此,有必要设计驱动桥壳疲劳检测机,对驱动桥壳的质量进行检测,本文就是设计驱动桥壳疲劳检测机的控制部分。 本课题对于驱动桥桥壳疲劳试验具有现实意义,通过液压伺服作动器来模拟汽车行驶时的载荷情况,然后对驱动桥壳进行疲劳分析,以此来试验是否满足安全需要,并以此进行改进,最终设计出合乎生产需要的驱动桥桥壳。 本论文主要分为三部分:电路,程序,驱动加载控制系统。首先设计出符合要求的电路,其次编写出能够控制电路运行的程序,最后对驱动桥壳进行加载驱动,来完成试验。 关键词:驱动桥壳;疲劳检测;控制系统 Abstract Vehicle drive axle at the end of transmission, the basic role is to increase the transmission came directly from the drive shaft or torque, the torque distribution to the left and right drive wheels, drive the vehicle. Drive axle assembly quality directly affects the overall quality of cars, but the quality of the drive axle housing quality in the drive axle assembly occupies an important position. Therefore, it is necessary to design axle fatigue testing machine, the drive axle housing quality testing, this is the design of axle fatigue testing machine control section. Therefore, the subject of the drive axle housing on the fatigue test of practical significance, through the hydraulic servo actuator to simulate the vehicle driving load conditions, then the fatigue analysis of drive axle housing in order to test whether security needs, and This was improved in line with production of the final design of the drive axle housing needs. This thesis is divided into three parts: the circuit, program, drive load control system. First designed to meet the requirements of the circuit, followed by preparation of a running program to control the circuit, and finally loaded on the drive axle, to complete the test. Keywords: drive axle housing; fatigue detection; control system 1.引言 1.1国内外研究状况 驱动桥桥壳是汽车上的主要零件之一,它既是底盘中最为主要的承载部件,又是汽车运动的主要传力部件,同时还是驱动桥中其他总成(主减速器、差速器、半轴等)的外壳,对它们起到安装支撑和保护的作用。因此,驱动桥的强度和疲劳寿命是设计时必须加以考虑的重要指标之一。 桥壳在使用过程中承受的交变载荷造成的结构疲劳损伤是桥壳的主要损伤形式之一。当这种损伤积累到一定极限的时候,将会产生局部的微观裂纹,随着裂纹扩展,最后产生宏观的裂纹使产品损坏。 机械可靠性研究,主要以产品的寿命特征作为研究对象,而疲劳是机械结构和零部件的主要破坏形式,据统计有80%以上的机械失效都源于疲劳破坏,这是由于大多数机械结构和零部件都工作在循环载荷下造成的。[1]疲劳寿命



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