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第37 卷第2 期 Vol37 No2 2008 年3 月 JILIN FORESTRY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY March2008 : 100 - 7129(2008) 02- 0001- 06 : S68 12 : A 1 2 1 1 陈建军, 刘 毅, 吴景才 , 章 林 ( 1 吉林省林业科学研究院, 吉林 长春 130033; 2吉林省林业勘察设计研究院, 吉林 长春 130022) : , , , 2% , 246 d 8% ; , , , , : ; Study on endangered mechanism of Rosa rugosa 1 2 1 1 CHEN Jian- jun , LIU Yi , WU Jing- cai , ZHANG Lin ( 1. Jilin Provincial Academy of Forestry Science, Changchun 130033 , China; 2. Forestry Survey and Design Insti tute of Jilin Province, Changchun 130022, China) Abstract: Research on plant ecology and biology shows that Rosa rugosa population has been limited in special nar row regions as coast, sand dunes along the river floodplain by the external force, and cut into many small communi ties. Its seed- filling is only 2% in ripe fruits, and only 8% after 246d by cold stratification. Due to genetic inferior quality and after- ripening characteristics of the seeds, resulted in a low regeneration capacity of seed, a poor effec tively preservation of heterogeneous gene in a large number, and a bad ability of colonizing new niche. Therefore, the population is at endangered status. Taking asexual reproduction- oriented manner and outside interference are the key factors caused lack of the genetic resources and near to the endangered status. Key words: Rosa rugosa; endangered mechanism ( Rosa rugosa Thunb) , , , 1992 , , [ ] , , [ 1~ 4]


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