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三元结构视角下的农地流转利益机制探析 张燕 熊玉双 盛璐 (华中农业大学 文法学院,湖北 武汉 430070) 摘要:本文以农地流转与农业农地、资本和劳动力三要素之间的关系为视角,分析了当前我国农地流转之困境,即农地产权主体缺位,城乡金融资源配置不平衡,农村劳动力结构失衡;剖析了农地流转困境之原因:农地产权制度不完善,农村资金投入不足,城乡收入二元分割。从农地产权制度、农村资金投入、农村劳动力结构角度,提出了完善农地、资本、劳动力三元结构协调机制的对策。 关键词:农地流转;三元结构;资金供给;人力支持 On The Interests Mechanism Of The circulation Of Agricultural Land Under The Perspective Of Ternary structure ZhangYan Xiong YuShuang Sheng Lu (School of Law and Literature, Huazhong Agriculture University, Hubei, Wuhan 430070) Abstract: The article takes the relationships between the circulation of rural land and the agricultural land , the rural capital and the rural labor as perspective,and analyses the plights of the circulation of rural land of our country in recently,which are the lack of main of the property right of rural land, imbalances of the financial allocation of resources in urban and rural areas and the imbalance of the structural of the rural labor force.And this article dissects the reasons why the plights mentioned above are that the imperfection of Agricultural land property rights system , the lack of capital investment in rural areas and the divided dual urban-rural income. The article attempts to research the system of the property rights of Agricultural land, the Capital investment in rural areas and The structure of the rural labor force, with the hope of giving some good suggestions on constructing the agricultural land transferring system. Key words:Transferring of agricultural land;Ternary structure;Capital supplying;Labor supporting 扩大国内需求,最大潜力在农村;实现经济平稳较快发展,基础支撑在农业;保障和改善民生,重点难点在农民。稳定农村土地承包关系建立健全土地承包经营权流转市场规范土地承包经营权流转尽管强调三农问题重中之重,但三要素大幅度净流出农地被大规模占用资金在银行商业化改革中被大量从农村抽走农村劳动力外流,。金融机构对农业和乡镇企业的贷款所占比重较低农户存款大于贷款,存贷差逐年扩大农村资金大量外流农民土地使用权不完整,懂经营、善管理、具有一定科技头脑的乡土人才大量流失,并且这种状况对农村青少年学生的思想产生了很大的冲击,致使农村劳动力的智力状况与建设社会主义新农村的要求不适应。解决农村剩余劳动力转移与智力资源流失之间的矛盾,已经成为推进社会主义新农村建设的当务之急。 二、农地流转困境之本源剖析——以农业要素三元优化结构为标准 在金融危机的大背景下,于如何帮助农民工顺利就业、促进农民增收的时代呼声中,“农地流转”已经不再是可否流转的问题,而是应该寻找制约农地流转的相关因素,进而探寻促进农地有序流转有效机制的问题。在影响农地


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