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摘 要 本文针对大连机车厂齿轮箱装配中存在一些不合理的工作,这些不合理的工作造成了大量繁琐的工作,以及由于布局问题造成大量物流混乱,因此提出了对现有的装配进行改善。齿轮箱的装配是由齿轮箱组装前的准备工作,主动齿轮轴承装配,主动齿轮装配,从动齿轮轴承装配,从动齿轮装配,运输防护等几个部分连接在一起的。通过利用工业工程中的相关理论对现有的装配工作进行分析,提出了相关的改进工作。其中结合了“5W1H”提问技术以及工作改善的“ECRS”四大原则, 对其装配操作进行分析并提出改善措施。本文主要研究内容有: (1)通过对齿轮箱装配工艺程序分析,提出了较为合理的工艺程序; (2)通过对齿轮箱装配流程程序分析,提出了较为合理的装配流程; (3)通过对装配车间的布置和经路分析,提出较为合理的车间的布置。 通过对齿轮箱装配的工艺程序分析、流程分析以及布置流程分析,使得整个装配工作减少了多余、重复、等待时间等工作,缩短了搬运距离,改进现场的作业方法及空间布置,提高生产效率。 关键词:程序分析 齿轮箱装配 5W1H技术 ECRS四大原则 ABSTRACT In this paper, Dalian Locomotive Factory in the gear box assembly, there are some unreasonable work, which caused a lot of unreasonable work tedious work. Because a large number of logistics problems of layout cause confusion and make ??improvements to the existing assembly. Gear box assembly is assembled by the preparatory work before, transportation protection, and several parts connected together. By using the theory of industrial engineering, the existing assembly analysis is studied, and improved. The 5W1H questions and the ECRS four principles analyze the existing assembly of the Gear Box.The analysis of the assembly operations and propose improvements are realized. The main contents of this article: (1) Through the process of analysis of the Gear Box assembly process, a more reasonable process is got; (2) Through the process of analysis of the Gear Box assembly, a more reasonable assembly procedure is got; (3) By way of analysis Assembly plant layout of the Gear Box assembly, reasonable and workshop layout is got. Through the Gear Box assembly process analysis, procedure analysis, and layout of process analysis, reduces the redundant, repetitive, waiting time, etc., shorten the transport distance, and improve way of operating the site and space layout and production efficiency. Key word: Program analysis Gear Box Assembly 5W1H techniques ECRS four principles 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1本课题的研究方法 1 1.1.1程序分析概念 1 1.1.2程序分析的方法 1 1.1.3程序分析常用符号 2 1.2 本课题的研究内容 3 第二章 齿轮箱装配工艺程序分析 5 2.1齿轮箱装配步骤



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