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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于秒表测时的抱轴箱生产线工时定额研究 学生姓名 专业班级 工业工程07-2班 所在院系  大连交通大学机械工程学院   指导教师  职称  讲师  所在单位 工业工程教研室 教研室主任   完成日期 2011 年 6 月 7 日 摘  要 伴随着工业化的进程,为适应大批大量生产提高生产效率与产品质量、降低成本的需要,许多工业工程的关键领域应运而生。在这其中时间研究也愈发的重要起来,时间研究是对作业诸要素所需时间直接进行实际测定和分析研究,从而确定改善作业的措施,以期提高生产率。工时定额是企业生产经营需要的一项基础性数据,一套科学合理的工时定额对企业合理安排生产、公平按劳分配、缩短生产(维修)周期等都有着至关重要的作用。在规范工时测定程序的基础上,就如何利用时间测定法对工时定额进行标准化进行了研究,得到了一套从工时测定开始至获得标准工时的科学方法与程序。 本论文是以大连机车车辆有限公司的抱轴箱生产线流程为背景,采用秒表测时的方法。在收集抱轴箱生产线的相关资料后,对典型工序的进行操作单元的划分,在此基础上对抱轴箱生产线进行时间数据的测量,采用三倍标准差法剔除数据中的异常值,选择平准化法进行评定并计算出正常时间,考虑宽放的种类制定合理的宽放时间,然后确定标准时间。 关键词:抱轴箱 秒表测时 工时定额 工业工程 Abstract With the process of industrialization, in order to adapt to the large number of mass production increase production efficiency and product quality, lower the cost of needs, many industrial engineering of the key areas arises at the historic moment. In this one time study also sends important up, time study is the essential elements of the work of the time needed for the measured directly and analysis, so as to determine the improvement work, so as to improve the productivity of the measures. fair standards is the production and operation of enterprises need a basic data, a set of scientific and reasonable fair standards to enterprise arrange production, fair distribution according to work, shorten the production (maintenance) cycle and so on, all have the crucial role. In standard time study program on the basis of how to use time measurement method to standardized fair standards and obtained a set time study from beginning to get standard working hours the scientific method and procedure. This paper is based on dalian locomotive vehicle Co., LTD. Of the crank arms production line processes as the background, the method of measuring the stopwatch when. In the collection of information related to crank arms production line, for the typical procedure for the



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