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摘 要
作业分析中的联合作业分析作为工业工程体系中重要的基础技术,它诞生于19世纪末20世纪初,虽然时间不算久远,但是它为各国企业带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益,在全世界产生了广泛且深远的影响。作业分析中的联合作业分析是一门理论科学,又是一项极具实用性的先进技术。它是企业在不增加投资或者增加少量投资的情况下,提高劳动生产率、保证产品质量和降低生产成本的有效手段。运用联合作业分析和SIMOGRAMS法对大连机车厂转向架总装中的落轮组装现行作业中存在的问题进行了分析,利用“5W1H”提问技术,按照“ECRS”四大原则,对落轮组装装配进行优化,提出了两种改进的新方案。从理论上预测了两种新方案将会带来的积极效果,并对两者之间存在的差异进行了对比分析与研究,以期达到缩短落轮组装装配周期,提高产品的质量,降低工人的劳动强度之效果。 本研究成果工作能帮助企业正确的理解联合作业分析的实用价值,激发企业推行联合作业分析的热情,从而合理分配企业有限的资源,实现企业利润的最大化。
关键词:联合作业分析 SIMOGRAMS 转向架装配 5W1H ECRS
The analysis of homework joint work as industrial engineering system analysis of important basic technology, it was born in the turn of the century, although time is not long, but it for various countries bring enterprise huge economic efficiency and the social efficiency, in the world produces an extensive and far-reaching influence. The analysis of homework assignments joint analysis is a scientific theory, it is a very practical advanced technology. It is the enterprise without any increase in investment or a small increase in investment, improve labor productivity, ensure the quality of products and reduce the production cost effective means. Using the joint work SIMOGRAMS analysis and method of Dalian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. CNR Group bogie assembly of the wheel assembly current work into analyzing the problems, use 5 W1H technology, according to ECRS questions four principles on falling wheel assembly, optimize the assembly and put forward two new scheme of improvement. Theoretically predicted the two new scheme will bring the positive effect, and the differences between the comparative analysis and research, in order to achieve shorten fall wheel assembly cycle, improve product quality, reduce the labor intensity of the effect. The research results can help enterprises to work the correct understanding of the analysis of the joint work practical value, stimulating enterprise implementation of the analysis of the joint work enthusiasm, to distribute enterprise limited res
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